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Hollywood Heroes: How your Favourite Movies Reveal God || Review


“With great powers comes great responsibilities.”

-Spiderman movie


What do you hear? Lois Lane: Nothing. SupermanI hear everything. You wrote that the world doesn't need a savior. But every day I hear people crying for one.

-Superman Returns movie


You either die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain.[1]

-The dark knight (Batman movie)


    With the first quote, we can relate it with God’s calling in our life and the spiritual gifts He equips us for sake of his kingdom. With the dwelling of the Holy Spirit, we receive the power; meanwhile we have burden of responsibilities for sake of God’s kingdom either.

    With the second quote, we can see the reality of human heart. No matter how far people pretend that everything is right, their mind is always crying for a Savior. Whenever the situation gets worse and goes beyond our limit, we cry for the one who can better handle it and rescue us.

    With the third quote, we can even relate it more to our life whether professional or spiritual journey. We either die being a contribution to our peoples or we live long seeing ourselves being a real villain! Its somehow bitter but deep! Many abuses done in Charismatic and even in Intellectual sides in name of God’s kingdom have given birth to many villains who live long enough to corrupt peoples to destruction either by their doctrines or misled show-offs.

    We are indeed familiar with superhero movies and we really enjoy watching them. Children might watch them from a perspective of entertainment. But mature peoples can find lots of philosophical quests being answered in those movies. The movies portray realities of human societies and mindset.

    Meanwhile, superhero movies have a lot to contribute in understanding the Biblical themes. Whether or not you have ever watched the movies with such lens, a right and careful tuning of our mind shall reveal it. The movies indeed act as catalyst in understanding human quest of something beyond than the common experience of this world.

    We get excited when there is demonstration of love and sacrifices, triumph over evil, realization of responsibilities, goodness achieved out of evil, transformations in lives of people, and so on in these movies. Lots of things, superhero movies would have to teach us. In that spectrum, there are rays of Gospel too. The Biblical picture of a need of Savior and victory over evil.

    Christian Apologist Frank Turek and his son has done a wonderful job by publishing the book Hollywood Heroes. They have jointly worked throughout showing how popular TV characters are indeed throwing the Biblical themes, how they are dealing with hardest philosophical questions of human life about evil’s existence, why bad things often happen to achieve certain goodness and so on. The popular characters like Batman, Superman, Iron man, Captain America, and so forth carry great lessons to teach us besides entertainments.

    The book spends fruitful time to discuss all issues of apologetics, evangelism, and philosophy using a framework of famous superhero movies. For immature minds, it can lead to idolatry accidently, but for a matured mind, it can create a tool to convey the Gospel effectively to layman. The book has been written in such a way that we can related our spiritual journey with those of fictional superheroes. We can evaluate and analyze life-troubling practical questions about goodness and strength of God versus the existence of evil and sufferings, powers and responsibilities, bad things leading to good outcomes and so forth.

    The book is more of contextualizing approach from these movies with Biblical references to make strong connections. It is extremely useful to those who are in evangelism services, apologetics and Christian memers. Peoples can have benefit of learning how the Bible answers greatest human quests in their own platforms and contexts. Just to make sure, let not superheroes be idols for us but only a tool of contextualizing the Gospel to hearts of people who are interested in these fields but with certain cautions and boundaries.

    Superheroes are worth watching characters but their struggle against evil teaches us something deeper message to understand God’s war against evil or war of evil against God (perhaps the second line is more Biblical!). The book doesn’t just give us a tool of contextualizing the Gospel but also shows where God is greater than all these fictional characters.

    Satan literally looted everything of this world for his glory but we are on a serious mission to retake those all things to glorify God since God is the creator and everything is of God for his glory. Better to watch superhero movies with this mindset than to demonize them in a forbidden level.  


Please, go through these blog articles as well:

1) X-men Apocalypse: Are human emotions really that evil?

2) An analysis of an old movie 'No Retreat, No Surrender'

3) Christmas Special: Certain lessons we should learn from Spiderman No Way Home

4) Christmas Special: The First Love

5) Don't just limit Reformation day as Special day or Celebration day!

6) An important message even for theologians and apologists!!!

7) Jesus knows our pain and sorrows

8) I feel: I am different ... 'The Context of Tihar'

9) The Victory over death?


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