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Never thought I would stand as a defender of Christian faith

It’s a challenge and yet vocation from God. It’s a great responsibility from which I cannot think of escaping. Once I’ve been elected for the task, I need to be determined to finish it. It’s obvious, the life is never a straight line but a series of sine waves sometimes interfered even by logarithmic or exponential curves. I am alive today because of that grace I was granted, and I have been given some responsibility to accomplish as a part of mission to share the light to my neighborhood who became a human to save you and me. 

I opened my eyes after being created marvelously and found myself in a beautiful family, a joint family of typical Newari culture. My time of journey began. I was born in a typical Hinduism environment. Worship of 330 million gods and goddesses, diversified rituals, rich traditions and festivals, spectacular philosophies and volumes of sacred scriptures. I was a Henotheistic Hindu focusing particularly on worship of Vishnu. Since childhood I had deep interest in religious environment. My focus was on god rather than performing rites and rituals.

There was great respect for Buddha in my home accumulated with Sai Baba and several other living gods. Being grown in this religion, I saw people respect and worship created things. With a belief of God resides everywhere, we were taught to worship God in the created things around. The only thing was I never had knowledge of Hindu scriptures though I had knowledge of stories such as the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and several Puranic adventures.

I never knew of social structure and when I began realizing it I was stunned. I didn’t ever think of religious pluralism in human society. I witnessed it from my own family. Out of 10 members, three were followers of Christianity. I never knew what it was, who Christ is, nothing. Yet, I didn’t consider this religion something to insight on. I read several such Christian books, my elder father used to make me listen Christian hymns and we also watched a movie of Christ’s life. The only thing I learnt about Christ was a good teacher. I often used to ask about him to my uncle or elder father sub-family. I then began learning about Christianity gradually since my childhood.

The festival Christmas was a joyful festival. Santa Claus, Christmas tree, gifts, et al. I was so attached to it during my childhood. I was attracted to Christian faith initially due to this joyful festival. I used to go to nearby church though I didn’t understand anything. I used to ask questions to church members. The difference was great and it made me think even deeper. I was taught to worship every created thing but in Christian faith I learnt that only Creator is worth of worship. The concept of God was different. In Hinduism, it is difficult to define God but we are granted flexibility to believe anything we like either God with form or formless, the world of illusion and reality only Para Brahman and many other diversified beliefs. But in regard to Christianity, only One God who incarnated in person of Jesus. The life of Christ was radically distinct from any Hindu gods and goddesses. Yet I had a serious question of how Christ was different from any others and if Christ is true God, who are the rest?

After my frequent queries regarding Christian faith, I began to incline on it. I hadn’t accepted him completely until my successful operation. However, prior to my operation, I realized Jesus is true God not just a god and there is power in prayer and truth in Christian faith. I found something in this faith that set it completely different from my native religion. I loved to share about him and share his great work in giving me a new life.

It was obvious that conversion of religion wasn’t that ease. We had to face objection from relatives. A typical Hinduistic mind has no issue when we accept someone as God but the objection comes when we call it as absolute truth and the only way. This was Jesus’ claim. The objection was valid and overloaded. I then had to seek answers for those objections. I strongly believed that if belief in Christ was a solid absolute way then it must have uniqueness and strong reasons to hold-fast.   

There my journey to seek answers to objection began since I never preferred a blind faith. My interest then did not limit within just devotion but also the defense. A strong realization emerged in me that I must grow in it. I strongly felt God’s calling in the mission of defending the faith. There was something in my mind, the sea waves wasn’t stable. Until my encounter with apologetics, the waves didn’t calm down but after my first meet with it, I became finally certain that this is the platform what I am seeking for! God gave me opportunity to know how shall I began my journey.

Now my final words, I never had expected today I would stand as a defender of Christian faith. I should have turned towards belief of all gods are one and same but the only image of Viswaroop turned the curve of my life exponentially and today I feel the most gladness to be in this mission that God has called me for.  

My journey from Hinduism to Christ and encounter with field of Apologetics: Click here!

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