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An analysis of an old movie 'No Retreat, No Surrender'


Keep following and grow in his image and likeness

This is a martial art genre movie. A story of a young kid named Jason. Jason, who is a Bruce Lee fan, sees his karate trainer/dad beaten by an egoist martial art thug. They move to Seattle where, after humiliations, he trains with Bruce Lee's spirit so he can defend himself independently without fear but fully focused and prepared every time against thugs.[1]

Ivan The Russian Butcher Kraschinsky (Jean-Claude Van Damme, Hard Target, Double Impact) faces off with Jason Kid Karate Stillwell (Kurt McKinney, Sworn to Justice) in a do-or-die battle between good and evil. Jason is an avid maniac of Bruce Lee but has suffered countless defeats. At his lowest emotional ebb, Jason is visited by Bruce Lee’s spirit (Kim Tai Chong, Game of Death) offering to teach him all his closely guarded secrets. Jason’s training is quickly put to its ultimate test when a crime syndicate threatens to take over Seattle as the fate of Jason’s karate school hangs in the balance. Jason is forced to submit to a trial by combat against the syndicate champion, Ivan, an unstoppable butcher who has made mincemeat out of all the black belts he’s faced before and there’s no retreat and no surrender.[2]

The movie is all about passion, determination, dedication, impact, and preparedness. Jason always had an interest in Bruce Lee. Despite the objection of his father, he used to be in fights. He used to get humiliation and loss. One day, he receives genuine training from the martial art legend Bruce Lee who teaches him philosophy and practical skills of combat. After a series of harsh training, Jason builds himself as a prepared fighter. Bruce Lee leaves his life after he completes his training. With this same training, Jason finally defeats the egoist Russian fighter. It was the result of his passion, dedication, training, and influence. He always followed Bruce Lee. The Russian fighter couldn’t withstand him. The name of the movie is ‘No Retreat, No Surrender.

Now, what about our Christian life? We view ourselves as a warrior. Eph. 6:10-18 instructs every believer to be always prepared spiritually and 1 Pet. 3:15-16 command us to be prepared intellectually. Whom do we follow throughout life? It’s Jesus. Paul says in 1 Cor. 11:1 to imitate him as he imitates Christ. Galatians 2:20 says that it's not we are living in our own will and ways but it is Christ who is living. We turn to someone’s character when we keep following him. Many motivational speakers and psychologists also use this phrase. There is an impact and influence we have in life. 1 Peter 2:21-25 is clear that Christ is our example. We are ought to follow him. Jesus says to deny oneself and follow him (Matthew 16:24). Eph. 5:1-2 also suggests us to be an imitator of God. A similar statement even the spirit of Bruce Lee suggests to Jason during the first day of their meeting. 1 John 2:6 also discusses walking with Christ. Our Christian life isn’t just a life of religion and philosophy but a dedicated walk with our Lord Jesus.

Jesus knows our situation and he is all whom we need. He accomplished everything to reconcile us back to himself. He calls us to live a victorious life over the rule of darkness (1 John 5:5, 4:4). He helps us today in our temptations. We are nothing by our own but he owes us (1 Cor. 6:19-20). We have a glorious future coming when we shall be living forever with God (Romans 8:18). However, until we are in this world, we must keep following Jesus even if it costs our life. We are ought to build in his image. We live a dedicated life. We need to have a passion to become like Christ. We need to submit ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We need to be responsible for our relationship with God. We need determination and preparedness in our life in serving others and keeping ourselves fit for the day when Christ returns. We may face humiliation during our mission and persecution. We may fall many times. But we should never quit following Christ in our life. In him, we have victory and life.

Hence, the movie leaves a great message for us. We need to be like Jason. Bruce Lee stayed with him during training days and left him to make him independent. However, Jesus has promised us to never leave us. He is always with us. We need to be in a relationship with our Lord and keep following him throughout our life.      

Thank you

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