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Don't just limit Reformation day as Special day or Celebration day!


Take some time and think about the picture above. What is Doraemon asking and what is Nobita responding? That has something deeper connection with Jesus and ourselves which seems missing today.

Jesus today has become a guru, a jinn-like being, a miracle worker, an avatar or an enlightened purusha for people of this modern world influenced by New Age spiritualism. Even in Christendom, Jesus has been a key used for opening gate of prosperity, healing, Christian fortunetelling, wish-fulfilling jinn and so on. People, often with those with simple and innocent faith[1], come to him to address their struggle, problems, suffocation and all sort of hurdles with a hope to achieve nirvana and make a new journey to prosperity. This is quite similar to Eastern religious prayer:

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः

सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।

सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत।

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥



oṃ sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ

sarve santu nirāmayāḥ

sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu mā kaścidduḥ khabhāgbhaveta

oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ


Which means:

May all sentient beings be at peace,

may no one suffer from illness,

May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer.

Om peace, peace, peace.

They embrace Jesus until they get prosperous life, healing, powers, joy and fame. Once these things are taken away, they turn their back to him and reverse their journey to ex-faith. So, what’s their actual need? Is it Jesus or something else? Probably its not Jesus but prosperity of luxurious life.

I don’t mean to convey a Cessationism flavour in regard to healing, prophecy or whatever else but my core concern is how we have taken our Lord and Savior into account in our life? Do we follow him just for miracles, healing and luxurious life? Remember that, modern Covid pandemic situation has hit Christendom as well. Is being a Christian just about healing, and prosperity? Due to this notion, even non-Christian world has developed false notion that to be a Christian is for money, luxurious life, illnessless life and so on. Yes, God is capable to work in our life and most of people come to Christ due to healing or certain works of deliverance but they miss to get a core picture of who Christ really is and his essence in our life.

Jesus is not jinn for us, nor an enlightened guru who would be taking us all the way to Nirvana from all struggles and sufferings of life. He isn’t an Avatar who removes materialistic barriers and reforms the society for our progressive and prosperous life. He might carry out transformation like such through his people but that’s again not what He is for and why he came for. In our eastern world, people get into touch with their gods in their affliction. They usually shout out for help in trouble and maintain activities to get their wishes fulfilled by their gods. This is also quite common even with demons who wished to take blessing from gods for their personal benefits and agendas. [2]We Christians do not try pleasing God by giving or praying or even worshipping so as to acquire something we do not have. We worship Him to express the appreciation of our relationship with Him achieved by the grace of God in Christ Jesus, and pray so as to enable us to fulfill our God given responsibilities. We do not use God for making our life better, stronger or successful but surrenders our will and life to Him so that He can guide and use us to fulfill the plans and purposes He has for us.

Apart from over-focus on healing, prophecy, prosperity, etc. our emphasis must be on who Jesus is and what is his core essence in our life. Once we get into this dimension, we become like apostles (not to mean we become apostles) in faith who didn’t tremble under persecution, struggle, illness and emptiness situation of life. Healing, miracles, prophecy, etc. are God’s work under his own will, plan, concern and dignity. What if God didn’t answer our prayer for healing and all? Are we ought to deny him? Remember Job, Daniel and Paul during their harsh situation. How they had responded.

Its time to know Jesus closely![3]

1.      We need to know him as the creator God who in His grace reestablishes a God given status for the Church- His body (Eph. 1:23), to be God’s children, His possession and His Kingdom. He is reclaiming what God has given to man and make it theirs through the process of rebirth and abiding in Him (remember what Jesus taught in John 3 and 15)

2.      Jesus is the Life of man who is dead in sin. Therefore, whoever accepts Jesus become alive and retake the lost status as the rightful children of God (John 1:11,12).

3.      We do not exist independently as Christians trying to use Jesus’ name to sanctify us and achieve things and status we do not have. We are in Him and Him in us (Read Jesus prayer- His mission report to His Father in John 17) through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit, who is not helping us to be better Christians but lives in us to make us alive. Holy Spirit is indwelling in us to build us into the image of Christ (Rom 8:29) and sanctify us but we are not able to enjoy the freedom of that life in Him as we are constrained by the competition of our old human nature and our worldly aspirations.

4.      We need to learn to live controlled by the indwelling Holy Spirit, who prompts, corrects, enables and empowers us to live a God-pleasing life (2 Corinthians 15:9). It is a Spirit directed, Spirit guided, Spirit enabled life, and that is life in Christ. In Romans 12:1-2, Paul advises us to be dead unto sin and live unto God, and for that to be living sacrifices surrendering our body and mind (soul) unconditionally to the active operation and activation of the Indwelling Holy Spirit.

5.      He has bought us with His life blood. As we are born of God by instilling new life from Jesus, our life; He owns us as He bought us from the old owner/s- Satan, the World and the Sin. So, we do not belong anymore to the kingdom of Satan where he rules, the world to which we had been attached by bodily birth and the nature of sin we had inherited from the fallen Adam. We are made righteous, holy and the people of God’s Kingdom (1 Peter 2:9).

6.      Jesus is our Creator God who came down to seek us and save us. He is our life who enlivens us out of death and alienation, to be reconciled to God (2 Cor 5:18,19).

7.      Jesus has redeemed us from the lost state of a living soul (Gen 2:7) being dead before God, now back into life. He has saved us from alienation and eternal death into reconciliation with God and an inheritance in eternal life.

8.      He is the initiator and perfecter of our faith (Heb 12:2), and hence the only role model for a child of God here and now. In John 15 and 17 He has invited us to be the part of that heavenly family, one with the Father.

9.      Jesus owns us as He has bought us, gave us His life and lives in us through His Spirit. This is why Paul declares in 2 Cor 5:15 that we do not have any right to live on our own.

10.  He is the shepherd who has committed Himself to take care of us, feed us, heal us, protect us, teach us and guide us. Peter reminds us to humble ourselves and to take our anxieties and cares to Him (1 Pet 5:6,7) as He is committed to care for us.

11.  In Christ, as He owns us, we are bound to live a life pleasing to Him. Romans 12:2 exhorts us to seek and find His perfect will for our lives as we are recreated in Christ for works God has foreordained for us (Eph 2;10). So, Paul says that we have to make it our life goal to please Him (2 Cor 5:9).

12.  We are also bound to present our life accounts before Him as Jesus will Judge us to confer awards and crowns when He comes according to how we have lived here (2 Cor 5:10-12; 2 Tim 4:1,8; Heb 10:30) and now.

13.  Jesus demands His Kingdom rule over our daily lives, by experiencing His presence, sticking to His pattern and modes of life and being made available to accomplish His purposes in and through our lives.

14.  We, the Church, is the chosen bride- the body of Christ, being prepared in righteousness and holiness to be a fitting Bride for the heavenly Bridegroom.

15.  We need to allow the Holy Spirit to mold and make us worthy by correcting, refining, teaching, guiding and training us. For this the Word is entrusted to the coaches in the churches (2 Tim 3:16,17). We need to discipline us in this process of listening, obeying and submitting so as to complete the process of salvation- remaking of our lives (Phil 2:12).

16.  When our bridegroom comes, He will take us with Him into eternal glory and we will live with Him for ever and ever. That is the hope that motivates us to leap forward in the life of faith (Phil 3:12-14).

So, what a great privilege to be God’s children, Jesus’ bride and member of His kingdom? It is crystal clear from the scripture who Jesus is and what he did for us. This understanding and conviction should be taught, experienced, and practiced in our daily life rather seeing him as some sort of jinn or a guru.

My point is not to protest the supernatural aspects such as healing, prophecy, etc. Usually, conscious churches practice them in proper direction and discipline while there are some hyper who runs business with these things as well. The only damage is: nil and hyper mindset. It’s up to God how he works in our individual life and not our duty to put him on some sort of framework, pattern, mathematical expression or specific laws. We also believe in practice directed and verifiable by the scripture but at the same time we don’t keep our expectation and dependency over such aspects. We rather trust God and his sovereignty, his timing, his calling, and his plans. We use the gifts not for our own personal purpose but to accomplish His plans, edify church and reach gentiles.

All in all, Jesus must be our core concern rather than extreme tangential focus on miracles, healing, etc. We must be faithful to him and live in him, live for him and live with him. Our faith is about walking with Christ, to rely upon him, to surrender one’s life to him and to grow in his image.    

 Thank you!


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  1. yeah, our core intention must be pleasing God.
    It is really wonderful writings. Keep it up. God bless you.
