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Theologically Open Stand on Controversial issues

  Our theological position

Note: This section is subjected to addition and updates on basis of increasing issues and present a boundary line case with a proper scriptural and practical studies and analysis.

Last Updated on 9/9/2024

1) Creationism/Evolution: Non-Concordist Old Earth Creationism 

2) Soteriology: Provisional Molinist Arminian 

3) Pneumatology: Soft-Charismatic/Continuationist 

4) Church government: Soft-Egalitarian 

5) Eschatology: Rapture skepticism, Mid-tribulation, Second Coming and Post-Millennium 

6) Demonology: Demons as the spoiled angelic beings 

7) View of Hell: Eternal Suffering 

8) View on relationship between Science & Scripture: Anti-Concordism

Creation: The overwhelming scientific evidences clearly shows an ancient universe and the earth. On the other hand, contextual Biblical study confirms the world as marvelous creation of the God and manifestation of his eternal intelligence.

Having well awareness about other groups in Christian circle who hold to a Young universe and earth on the basis of 'Literal, plain text reading' of the Bible, we officially believe in a miraculous and phenomenal progressive creation and do not support evolution as a means God chose to create this world. We recognize ourselves as non-Concordist Old Earth Creationist and always welcome other opposing or alternative views to have friendly fellowship.

We believe in Genesis as history and Adam-Eve as historic first created humans. We also do affirm the Big Bang as the phenomenal mechanism. We usually prefer discussing Creation views instead of defending a particular OEC position.


Science and Scripture: We usually do not hold that Modern Science is catching the ancient Bible. The Bible reveals the truth about the environment with respect to its contemporary time. However, being a Science and Engineering student, I clearly recognized His Mighty Intelligence manifested throughout the universe. Science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, etc. made me to marvel at this universe and every law operating in this universe.

It might not be as intended context, but Job 38:33 has some hint about it. Our God is aware about his creation and every function he had assigned. He is God of appropriate order, system and discipline. This is what we can clearly observe while studying science. Maybe that's why Bible teachers use plenty of daily materials to exemplify God's triune existence. Romans 1:20 is pretty clear about God's manifestation throughout the nature. On this basis, we believe that both scripture and science are supportive to each other. We believe science gives testimony and witness of truthfulness, trustworthiness, greatness and intelligence about God who has revealed himself in the scripture.

We do not officially entertain concordist interpretation of the scripture but as scientific updates concern, we might embrace correlation. We believe scripture need not necessarily be teaching scientific truths in order to be divinely inspired but God chose familiar languages of every contemporary time to convey theological messages.


Gifts of Holy Spirit: We recognize ourselves as Continuationist but do not hold to extreme stand of everyone must have a particular gift. We recognize and admit the operation of gifts of Holy Spirit or Enablement of Spirit such as divine healing, glossolalia, deliverance, prophecy, etc. Having well awareness about Cessationist, Baptist, Reformed and Presbyterian groups, we do not advocate strict stand on personal Christian experience but sincerely believe God grants them according to our need and situation. However, we focus on Biblical and disciplined use of the gifts to serve in God’s kingdom.

 Glossolalia: (Based on Biblical and practical research and studies) We do not reject glossolalia as done by certain denominations and cessasonists today. We prefer Biblical and disciplinary practice and use of this gift. We recognize two kinds of glossolalia operating even today: one which is used for preaching and is understood by people while the other uttered during private prayer, worship and prophetic moments that is beyond comprehension and needs interpretation if uttered publicly at church. We regard divine healing as controversial gift or enablement of Spirit rather than glossolalia.

As Gordon D Fee notes,

1) Paul does not damn tongues with faint praise, as some have argued, nor does he stand in awe of the gift, as the Corinthians had apparently done—and some contemporary proponents of tongues do. P. 169

2) The regulations for its community use in 14:27-28 make clear that the speaker is not ecstatic or out of control. the mind is not detached; but it is at rest and "unfruitful."

3) It is speech essentially unintelligible both to die speaker (14:14) and to other hearers (14:16), which is why it must be interpreted in the assembly.

4) Whether Paul also understood it to be an actual earthly language is a moot point, but the overall evidence suggests not. He certainly does not foresee the likelihood of someone's being present who might understand without interpretation; and the analogy of earthly language in 14:10-12 implies that it is not an earthly language (a thing is not usually identical with that to which it is compared).

5) Our most likely access to Paul's understanding is through his description of the phenomenon in 1 Corinthians 13:1 as "the tongues of angels." The context virtually demands that this phrase refers to glossolalia or "speaking in tongues."

6) p. 170: Most likely this refers to two kinds of glossolalia: a human dialect, inspired of the Spirit but unknown to the speaker or hearers, and angelic speech, inspired of the Spirit to speak in the heavenly dialect. The historical context in general suggests that the latter is what the Corinthians understood glossolalia to be, and that therefore they considered it one of the evidences of their having already achieved something of their future heavenly status.

 Source: Paul, the Spirit and the people of God

Major keys:

  1. Doctrinal chapter: 1 Cor. 12-14
  2. It is an unlearned/inspired language gifted by Holy Spirit
  3. It's a gift but can occur as a sign sometimes
  4. It can occur in 4/5 ways: private prayer language, thanksgiving worship language or singing in tongues, messages from God (prophetic), local languages for preaching and situation when we are unable to prayer effectively.
  5. It can be either earthly or unintelligible language

Woman Pastor: We impose no objection to woman pastoring and leadership despite knowing arguments from oppositions. We believe N.T. is restoring period of female’s status that was corrupted after the fall. We prefer gender equality and believe woman can also serve in ministry of pastoring. The scripture doesn’t impose any harsh barrier against woman pastoring.

However, it is also true that scripture usually doesn't teach male and female are equal in roles. Both are valuable but distinguished in their functions. Their design, emotions and anatomy suggest they have their respective responsibility. And regarding head and leadership, it is generally handed to male. This doesn't mean woman is demeaned. No, they are gifted with nourishment role that even males cannot perform. If male is head then female is heart. Hence, its true the scripture has shown a model of male participation in pastor, elder and deacon.

However, this doesn't mean scripture is harsh on woman. If woman can help males in many areas e.g. nowadays, they can also earn and work, then man can also help woman. They are complementary to each other. Yes, they have their major specific roles but this doesn't mean they cannot help one another in their work. In this setting, yes woman is not made for head and leadership works but this doesn't limit them. Male needs help today more than before and yeah even in leadership woman can be helping hand for males.

Woman can help as supplementary pastor. Indeed, they don't even need to desire role of pastor! They are great helper and heart for men! So, depending upon our age, woman can also help their husband in leadership works as supplement and no woman needs to worry mourning if scripture didn't permit them to be pastor. Woman are emotionally stronger as a heart and can be great helper for man. It’s not necessarily a matter to protest if a church has woman pastor. They have been indeed a great helping hand for pastor in their struggles. 

Regarding women role in ministry: Here!

God’s sovereignty and Human Free will: We admit scriptural basis for God’s sovereignty, predeterminism, and human free will. We do not strictly hold to any particular view such as Calvinism, Arminianism, Molinism, and Provisionalism. We admit the case that our life is walk with God and sincere willingly submission to His will. We believe in his sovereignty and hence pray with hope and trust on him. We recognize free will is an integral part given to us by God which has theological significance. Without free will, we cannot love God back nor willingly submit ourselves to him. God never desires a forced love. We also admit God is All-knowing in such a degree that he is able to know future and counter-factual events that are freely done.      

We believe Salvation is God's Provision for all humanity independent of our Free-will.

We believe the effect of the Salvation for humanity depends upon free choice of individual response to accept Christ.

We believe God is able to know counterfactual events based on human free-will and He is able to take control of situation to accomplish His predetermined plans.

We believe in Eternal security as long as we are faithful towards Christ. 

We don't believe in Totally Deprived nature of humanity in a way that God first needs to regenerate our spiritual eyes to respond to the Gospel. 

We believe the Atonement is provisionally unlimited but effectually limited. 

Losing of salvation: This subject has been dilemmatic issue in Christian circle and scripture seems unclear regarding the issue. It is clear that salvation was straightforward God’s sovereign plan and it was God who initiated and finished the work of salvation in his grace. Therefore, nothing has been worked out from human’s side for salvation to boast.

Next, it is also evident from scripture that human beings have been created with free will i.e. conscious beings capable to make decision and choices. Furthermore, it doesn’t mean that just Jesus died all humanity got redeemed. It is clear in scripture that whosever believe on Jesus and accept his sacrifice, they are saved. Here, humanity is capable to either accept or reject i.e. respond to that sacrifice. We are saved not by grace alone but through faith as well.

Scripture also emphasize on continuation on faith and to be believer till end and complete the process of salvation i.e. scripture clearly teaches salvation has begun and is ongoing process till our death and future resurrection. Unless we are living in faithfulness with Christ, the redemption process is going on and we are being sanctified by Holy Spirit. However, if we failed to become faithful then we cannot be saved.

God doesn’t force anyone for salvation which is basis for human’s choice under whether we truly love him and choose him. Rather worrying about whether salvation gets lost or not and making this issue more dilemmatic, we should struggle for continuation of our faith on triune God and be fruitful. Rather boasting that we cannot lose salvation, let us remind warnings from the scripture about how we might fall away unwillingly.