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I feel: I am different ... 'The Context of Tihar'

I don't know if you have watched Man of Steel movie or not. In a scene of Man of Steel, the school bus gets accidentally drowned in the river. Everyone gets suffocated with the water and struggle to survive. Clark, who doesn't belong to the world he has been sent, sees everyone in difficulty. His inner heart speaks out to him that he is living as a human, learning a human life but he essentially isn't one of them. The only person to save everybody was Clark alone. He then gets out of the bus and rescues everyone. Clark remains the last Son of his planet Krypton and before the doom of his planet he is sent here on the earth. He suffers uneasiness due to his essence being an extra-terrestrial but he gets proper guidance from his earthly parents to use what he possesses for welfare of the people. 

Similarly, Jesus doesn't belong to this world though he became one of us and dwelt among us. He says we live in this world but we aren't of this world. In daily life, we can feel as if we are an alien because we are really different from others. We feel vast distance from our own people. Yet, our inner heart under guidance of God the Holy Spirit says us, we aren't just a normal people now. We are special, we are light, we are salt in this world. We ought to represent Christ and live for him. 

Whenever I go to visit my relatives, who aren't in Christ, I feel difficulty in every situation especially when it is a time of festival. However, the solid truth lies here that no matter even if we feel like we are separated from our own relatives and friends spiritually and we feel as if we are like an alien but we must say to ourselves we are blessed because we are different. We have been chosen by God and our fallen status has been elevated. We have a great mission to share the good news to people and illuminate the truth. We have that capability to guide people, to sympathize them, to help them, to love them... Hence, I feel no more like alien but someone special who bears greater duty to share the truth with people... my relatives... my friends. 

We are special in this that we have been reconciled to our heavenly Father with unimaginable price. Jesus played a true heroic role by bringing us out of the disaster and today he sends us to every nook and corner to represent him and spread the saving knowledge of God.

No matter if we are not engaging with festivals but we must never forget our identity in Christ. If God became one of us and achieved great victory despite being different from any others, why wouldn't he help us today? 

God Bless! 

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