Generations passed away and people began to move further far
away from God into a chaotic state. They lost God and ultimately the authority
given by God to rule over the planet being his representative.[i]
Having detachment from the source of life, people now felt loneliness and
forgot who they were. They found a paralysis state in living their own life
independent of God. Regardless of God’s provision of prophets and judges and
rules granted to direct a way of living under his will, people rather began to
fall in sin [Romans 7:7-9].
What shall we say of fear in context of 1 John 4:18? It is
certainly the fear connected with the judgment [vs. 17]. Fear is associated
with punishment.[ii] Man
was heavily ruled by the dominion of sin [John 8:34] and they were deprived of
access to God. They were laden with loads of rituals and rules. They were
loaded with fear concerning their life.[iii]
The greatest of all fear was the eternal separation from God awaiting for every
human beings until God himself came down to be a partake of human beings in
their suffering and solve the entire root of all generated problems.[iv]
John 3:16, Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:10, Romans 8:1, etc. have a
clear annotation that God did not leave his people alone but made a provision
of redemption.[v] His
unexplained and intense Love laid down the sacrifice of God-Man Savior on the
cross as the only possible justification for the sins of human beings. He made
such a provision under his grace that today he grants his spirit to lead us.[vi]
That love casts out the fear every human mind has.
The love of God transforms us and sets us free from the bondage of sin enabling access to God. Finally, in Jesus we are declared righteous[vii] and there is no longer we need to fear God’s wrath. He took our place because of the same intense love and abolished death and eternal punishment. The love of God today we have, gives us a certainty of eternal life with him again. This love of God indwells in us and enables us to rejoice in him. Ultimately the fear gets no space to fit in.
PA Thomas, God’s eternal plan for man and the world. (Equippers Bible Study
facebook page private group: 28 August, 2019)