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X-men Apocalypse: Are human emotions really that evil?

Are human emotions really that evil? 

(Followers of reformed preachers like John MacArthur, Paul Washer and Justin Peters, avoid reading this blog article) 

Just as 666 (everything associated with "triple vav", and the number code) is a great horror for many Christians today, the matter of emotions and feelings, attachment, and affection are also often taken as the trigger in Christian life. I often hear Christian life isn't about dumping into these emotions but trusting in Jesus, Son of God. 

I Agree! Yes! 

But I am moving to a different dimensional scenario. Are these a lion for us that gonna eat up us? We must be careful about one thing when God "created humanity" in His image, he created them (The literal first couple and our ancestor Adam and Eve) with knowledge, wisdom, conscience, free will, and emotions. But when the situation of temptation came around they couldn't use them rightly and finally got the fellowship broken from God. Their generation then began moving far from God and sought something to satisfy their emptiness and to establish attachment in the life. 

Emotions aren't meant to make us weaker and fall but given by God himself to make us intellectual beings who are capable of responding, making choices, and decisions. But usually today Christians take them as the trigger on an extreme level. Yeah, I agree we cannot rely on them! That wasn't my point by the way! My point is "We need God!" to have the right control over those things and make them act in proper, contextual, and relevant direction! 

Yesterday  (I mean 20th May, 2021) I watched the MARVEL movie "X-men Apocalypse" ... okay! but before you began to explode with inner fission "Why are you watching such a secular and demonic movie???" I want you to calm down and drink a glass of filtered and boiled water (keep yourself healthy in this pandemic!). There is a superhero namely "Magneto" who, in a deeply depressed mind, chose to follow the evil "Apocalypse". Under his instruction, he was using his powers at a higher intensity level to bring destruction. Only two superheroes (mutants) tried their best to convince him about his wrong choice. His emotions had to be used to bring his mindset back to his normal state and he later helped the team to defeat Apocalypse. 

I am not requesting you to watch it. It's not promotion. But it was a great example of how the emotions we have are used to divert us. When we come to Christ, we have a renewed mind all focused on him. Our free will, emotions, and thoughts. We submit our life to him and let him grow in us and live the life (Eph. 4:22-24)! Here is how the Lord will be fixing our life, managing it in the right direction (1 Cor. 1:8)! whenever we have any sort of feelings or emotions, that's not bad! Yeah, we can be in trigger if we chose ourselves to deal with it in mindblindness (Proverb 19:3?) but when we give our situations to God, that's the right manner how we use our emotions (1 Peter 5:7). Otherwise, boycotting emotions and feelings and trying to be far away from them is like a kind of Buddhism practice and philosophy. 

We are made and given emotions so that we can use them rightly and make choices, decisions, and execution wisely. Even Bollywood's Robot movie teaches the same! When we come to Christ, God's Spirit is always there to lead us. He has promised to be with us even in our hardest situations. Let us understand these things wisely rather than a person who jumps off from a friend's bike when he takes a turn around the temple! 

Thank you!

Original post created on 21st May, 2021 at My Facebook Page

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