If you haven't watched a DC movie named 'Man of Steel' and its series then I would like to recommend you to watch the movie. This is a movie of a famous iconic superhero 'Superman'. My article is not focused on description of the superhero but I want to bring something important message from a scene of the movie and link the thread to Christ Jesus.

Being raised by earthly parents, Clark learns what it means to be a human and how to use his awesome powers in favour of righteousness. He already loses his true parents and his world doesn't exist. And now he adopts the earth as his own land, his own home and all the people as his own neighborhoods. Let me quickly take you to a scene where his earthly father Jonathan ends his life in a tornado. In a devastating tornado, his father helps people to rescue from its destruction. Unfortunately, he gets blown away in that tornado. His son Clark wants to save him, but he stops. If I am not wrong, there are people that can be counted in fingers who do not know who Superman is and his awesome abilities. Clark could have saved his father who guided him throughout his life. However, the scene was so painful that Clark mourns the great loss of death of his father. Here, Clark learns and goes through human sorrows and sufferings. Despite having incredible powers, he chooses not to overcome every situation with an ease but to manage how to cope in midst of storms of life. Doing this, he learns to feel human beings and help those who are helpless.

Jesus, on the other hand, is historic icon of greatest example for human beings. Just to speak in a literary language, Jesus is infinitely powerful than superman. He has no limitation of his powers and authority in this entire universe. Despite being Son of God, Jesus chooses to be human to rescue the whole humanity. He lives a human life and goes through every areas of temptations and sufferings so that he could be fit to be a true Savior and sympathy, comforter and guider for all human beings. It is crystal clear from the Gospels that his life was not an easy life or luxurious. He partook with his people in suffering of daily life.
Today, when we feel helpless in our suffering, remember Christ who is more than enough to assist us. He is always there for us in storm of our life and severe temptations. Our triune God knows our pain and sorrows. He is always interacting with us in our life. He is such an awesome God who tasted even death for our sake. Whenever you have something bitterness share with him. When you have no words to express except tears, let them flow and kneel down before him. Never let your mind think that God doesn't care us. He loves us so much that he let his own and only beloved Son to die instead our place.
All in all, Jesus is our true superhero who knows our pain and sorrows because he has tasted for himself. God himself came among us and learned what it feels to be a human. Today, he wants us to be strong in our hardest situation. There is always lessons to be learnt and God will never give up upon us.
God bless you.
[Note: This is not a promotion of any movie, but imaginative method of apologetics approach]