-Kevin Shrestha
It was a great privilege to collaborate with honorable Nepali Apologist Kamal Adhikari in this New Nepali Apologetics book.
I always had a vision in my life to work on such project in order to show the right path to the people. Today, I am thankful to God that He set this platform. I am thankful to my family, Elder PA Thomas and the church who guided me in understanding Christian faith and its essence in life.
In this book, I got a golden opportunity in answering my own greatest query.
I have written a very short article in Nepali that has been attached herewith in a drive link. The core subject in the article is nothing more than the achievement I got today.
During my childhood, I used to share my testimony and the gospel starting with the question: Which god has sacrificed himself for your sins? This question is however a flawed question I have known today after many years study. Meanwhile, I have come with the answer on how Jesus is different from others and today I want to guide and help those who struggle with this question.
Blog link to my testimony:
Link to the Book version article:
Blog Link to my detailed Nepali article on Jesus contrasted from other religious figures:
Blog Link to the introduction of a New Nepali Apologetics book:
Formal Introduction on the book release day:
Drive link for short Nepali article on Answering my Life's Greatest Query: