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Christmas Special: Certain lessons we should learn from Spiderman No Way Home


[Alert: This is not a movie promotion blog!] 

The movie is one of the greatest MARVEL movies and if you grew up with Spiderman Trilogy of Tobey and Amazing Spiderman of Andrew during your childhood, you will definitely find this movie exciting. The music, the past memories, interaction with Spiderman and their respective villain will give you thrill in this movie. 

Now, your question will be why on earth I am discussing movie in this blog. What's its relationship with theology and apologetics? Well, to be fair, there is nothing connection but there is something I just wanted to share from this movie that shall be great encouragement and stamina for our Christian life ethics.  

A general plot of the story: Here

Synopsis: With Spider-Man's identity now revealed, our friendly neighborhood web-slinger is unmasked and no longer able to separate his normal life as Peter Parker from the high stakes of being a superhero. When Peter asks for help from Doctor Strange, the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man. 

I would like to express some relatable and relevant important lessons from Spiderman No way home from my personal perspective and analysis:

1. With challenging situation, maturity uplifts: This happened with Tom Holland in this movie. He was able to guide other Spiderman to work as a team. He had to work out fixing work for villains from other universe and many more. As a Christian, we are not deprived of any challenging situations but these situation makes us stronger. God is Sovereign that He sets us environment to grow and be spiritually mature. The challenging situation makes us rely on God's timing and trust his plans for our life. He helps us to grow in ethics, leadership, services, using gifts of Spirit, evangelism, etc. (John 16:13). The more challenge we face, the more we grow in His kingdom. (1 Peter 4:16) 

2. Unity is strength: Villains were more than heroes themselves. None of the villains were hostile to Tom's version of Spiderman at beginning. Later, it was Green Goblin who spoiled the friendly environment. Tobey and Andrew had to join in the battle together. They didn't know how to work in team but being an avenger Tom knew it and guided both. Hence, three Spiderman united to fight the villains. Despite of differences such as Tobey had organic web shooter that was odd for two others, they had a kind of loss in their lives and could empathize Tom. Their mission was one. Likewise, there might be differences in Christian circle in name of doctrinal stand, practices, opinions, etc. yet we are supposed to be in unity since we are children of same God (1 John 3:1a) and Christ alone is our head (Col. 1:18; 2:10).  

3. Differences doesn't matter if the goal is one: All three Spiderman had differences yet they could interact with each other and team up. There was sorcery environment in Tom's universe which was totally foreign to other two Spiderman. Tobey had web coming out from unknown source within his body that surprised other two Spiderman since they used mechanical. These differences didn't matter for they were at one goal. Similarly, churches have difference in doctrinal stands, practices, opinions, (1 Cor. 12, Deut. 29:29) etc. However, the goal is one (Matthew 28:19; 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Tim. 4:2-4, etc.). The fundamental faith is one. (Eph. 4:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:13; etc.)  

4. Apply to act in struggling situation from your experience: Tom was an avenger and with his experience of team work, he applied it with the other two Spiderman. Andrew saved Tom's MJ since he had deep wounded experience in his universe that he failed to save her. Christian life also has Christian experiences. Sometimes, God puts us into struggles so that we can be of help in such similar situations. He makes us an empathy for others in their needy situation.   

5. There is always a chance: Tom had chance to fix villains from other universe. He had another chance to restore everything at end. Andrew had a chance to save MJ. There is always a chance and we cannot give it up. There is always a chance in spiritually reviving, evangelizing, growing in ministry and all. There is always chance to return back to God once we fall down. Jesus himself is a chance to whole world to reconcile back to God (John 3:16).  

6. Do your best this time that you couldn't accomplish before: We can learn this from Andrew who succeeded to save MJ. He wept at this moment. Sometimes, we aren't able to work as expected in our ministry but this doesn't mean we spoiled our life. Whenever there is another opportunity, its our chance to do it best.  

7. Sometimes your mistake opens a door to challenges from which you would get to learn more: Tom's anxiety during spell made it go ruin and he had to face sudden catastrophe in life. This situation rather built him stronger than before. We do commit mistake in our life, this opens gate to many struggles in life but we need to get through it and get to learn from it. God is always in control.  

8. Be wise and smart in every situation: This was with Tom and his friends. As Christians, we are ought to be wise and smart in any situation. We are ought to be as innocent as dove and as clever as snake.  

9. Don't feel always painful for your loss, you can be empathy for others at right time and situation: Tom got empathy from Andrew and Tobey since they knew the pain of loss. God sometimes allows us to grow through severe pain in life so that we could be able to empathize others. God himself lived a struggling human life to understand our pain and sorrows (Heb. 4:15).   

10. Differences of generation gap doesn't bring barrier in team work: As already explained before, all three Spiderman were from different generations but it didn't hamper their team work. This is also with Christianity. There is generational gap that affects thinking, reacting, responding and approaching difference. E.g. in past there were no technologies for gospel to spread but now there are number of ways how it can be spread. Old generation used classical and cultural music while our generation have wide varieties of musical genre in worship. Old generation had subjective experience for gospel but modern generation has more intellectual aspect for gospel. Old generation had no access to supplementary books on theology, ethics, apologetics, etc. but our generation has tons of resources. These differences are just generational but we all are in a mission work to accomplish.   

11. When your enemy has changed his heart, he would be of great help one day when you are in trouble: This happened with Sand man and Otto Octavius. Sand man helps Spiderman to resist Electro. Otto Octavius helps to resist electro and Green Goblin. Let's not go far away, consider Paul himself. He was a kind of enemy but later with his miraculous conversion, he became a great defender of Christian faith. In our daily life, we do also have people who were once atheist, agnostic, skeptic, etc. but our influence as Christians changes them and they grow up in our life as helping-hand. Sometimes our family members who strongly protest our faith, they can later become a great defender. There are real life testimonials of these.   

12. Sometimes a better solution makes you pay heavy cost yet you need to go through it: Tom's version of Peter had to face this while trying to fix the villains from other universe and at the end. At Parker's request, Strange fixes the spell, sending the alternate Spider-Men and their villains back to their respective universes, while making everyone forget Parker's existence. Later, Parker tries to reintroduce himself to MJ and Ned, but cannot bring himself to do it. Parker visits May's grave, joined by a now unaware Hogan, and vows to carry on. Parker moves into a new apartment and creates a new suit from scratch to resume his heroics. Jesus is the better solution for all humanity[1] but to follow him is not an easy task. You have to pay heavy price (Luke 9:23). You can be rejected by your own family, friends and relatives (Matthew 10:34-39). You might be deprived of facilities and opportunities. However, you have no choice except accepting it and continue your journey. We let Jesus grow in our life, and reduce ourselves (John 3:30). We have to abandon worldly pleasure but enjoy the pleasure in Christ despite of struggle in life.    

13. Just one evil mind can ruin wholesome situation: When cures are developed for Osborn and Dillon, the Green Goblin persona takes over Osborn before the cure can be administered. The Green Goblin convinces Dillon to remove the device that Parker put on him to cure him and, despite the best efforts of Parker and Octavius, who is dispatched by Dillon, the other four escape. In the ensuing battle, May is mortally injured by the Goblin, with Parker unable to save her as she succumbs to her wounds. He suffers heavy grief at her demise. In our life, we might have such factor around us or within us that can ruin our life spiritually. This happens often in Christian living and we need to always be in shielding of Holy Spirit to resist those obstacles. Goblin also enforces idea that the unusual powers aren't curses for anyone and nobody needs to be fixed. In a similar manner, the devil is always working out in our life (1 Peter 5:8) to convince us that our certain habits, sinful association aren't big problems for us and we don't need escaping from those, repentance and transformation. He makes us enjoy in them and gradually ruining us from achieving God's plan in us and growing in image of Christ.   

14. Don't take revenge for your loss rather destroy the root cause: An enraged Tom's version of Parker fights and overpowers the Goblin, wanting to kill him for May's death, but he is stopped short by the Parker from the Goblin's universe. Parker injects the Goblin with the cure, restoring him to a regretful Osborn. Taking revenge cannot help. This keeps circulating and situation becomes more problematic. Our only goal is to hit the root cause. Jesus taught us to Love God and to love our neighborhood as we love ourselves. He taught us to seek God's kingdom and righteousness. Jesus was the one who resolved the root of all chaos (2 Cor. 5:19; Heb. 10:1-18; John 1:12-13; 15; Eph. 2:1-9; Phil. 2:5; etc.). 

Finally: With Great Powers, Comes Great Responsibilities! 

With great God comes great gospels

Merry Christmas! 


[1] Let not the reader misunderstand this statement. Before arrival of Jesus, there was God’s providence of salvation/judgment during O.T. times. People had access to General Revelation (Romans 1:19-20). There were people who sought some Supreme Being in their life-time. Those who seek the light, they will be given the light needed to be saved. (Heb. 11:6; Jer. 29:13). Also, the scripture also says that God has written his laws in their heart or say conscience (Romans 2:12-15). According to Romans 2:11, God doesn’t show partiality and is just. Hence, there was providence for judgment (Also Acts 10:35). Those who don’t know right from wrong are not lost e.g. infants and mentally disordered (Isa. 7:15; Deut. 1:39; Romans 5:18-19; 1 Jn 2:2; Mk 10:14 etc.). Therefore, God has providence (e.g. Jonah 3; Dan. 4:1-19; Acts 10; Rev. 14:6 etc.). The providence was case before Jesus but after his arrival and sacrifice, it is only the way to God and none other alternative ways are there else that shall be a rebellion. We must be careful when we state Jesus is only way and whosoever doesn’t believe him are doomed. This can open a confusing door to what about massive past population who had never heard him. Acts 4:12 is true but Jesus was not Redeemer until he died on the cross although he was already set as Savior (1 Peter 1:20). I had to clarify this in order to settle the controversy. Therefore, when I used ‘better solution’ term, I didn’t mean there are other alternatives but it was mere a relative language with respect to God’s providence during old testament times.    

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