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Historical Adam from an Evolutionary Lens! || Ram Chaudhary || Science versus Bible


The video discusses Adam from an Historical and Evolutionary lens. Perhaps, this topic is unquenchable in Nepali Christian community. However, the aim is not to promote Evolutionary perspective of Adam as a FACT but to explore various compatible prevailing views based on intensive Biblical and scientific investigations and studies. 

The aim is not to put the science above the scripture but to explore scientific side of compatibility of Biblical Adam. We don't really need science to PROVE the scripture but science is indeed God's PROVISION to explore his WORD and establish an evidence based FAITH. 

The speaker Ram Chaudhary brings a great effort and concern to establish Biblical Adam as a Historical person but from an evolutionary perspective. The historicity of Adam is what matters to our faith rather than the focus on how he was created. His position doesn't deny Foundational Biblical truth about the Historical Fall of Humanity. 

As a Non-Concordist Old Earth Creationist*, I really embraced his presentation. To this day, I am not an evolutionary guy, not even theistic evolutionist, but I have learned to have an open mind to understand it better than before. So, the safe side is given: even if evolution turns out to be a FACT, we have no BURDEN over our faith.

*It is a belief or position that Genesis creation account should be understood with an Ancient Near Eastern context, 6 days were literal days but not in sense of historical time coverage on the Earth, both earth and universe are extremely ancient, Adam and Eve were literal peoples and there was a real Fall and Genesis doesn't intend to answer our modern queries.

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