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Summary of the book: Supernatural || Dr. Michael Heiser
What if Jesus had not prayed...?
Trinity associated Key terms and Heresies
येशूले किन र कसलाई प्रार्थना गर्नुभयो? Ep. 3 || Kevin Shrestha || Aradhana Platform || बिहिबार, बैशाख १३, २०८१ || बेलुका ८.१५-१०:१५
येशूले सिकाउनु भएको प्रार्थना (Lord's Prayer) Ep. 2 || Arpan Acharya || Aradhana Platform || बैशाख ६, २०८१, बिहीबार || बेलुका ८.१५-१०.१५
To give up Who I am