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Trinity associated Key terms and Heresies

 Trinity key words:

1) Being: one which has actuality 

2) person: a self-conscious center that has a will, identification and function of own 

3) Hypostatic Union: A term referring Jesus' Dual nature in One Person i.e. divine and human nature united in one person without mixing, overlapping or overshadowing 

4) Kenosis: (Of Son) An act of Emptying probably the Glory and status 

5) Incarnation: manifestation of God in human form, God becoming Flesh 

6) Theophany/Christophany: A momentary manifestation of God for a particular period of time for certain task 

7) Son of Man: preferred title of Jesus, humanity aspect, perhaps points to divine aspect according to Daniel 7 

8) Son of God: divine title, equality with Father, of the very kind of God, reference to Messiah, Jewish context language of Father and Son, an Ideal Son obedient to Father 

Some important terms:

1) Heresy: serious doctrinal error, which if true, makes Gospel false. 

2) Tritheism: Three Gods instead One. usually popular among Muslims as they believe Christians worship Allah, Mary and Isha according to the Quran. Surah 4:171, 5:73, and 5:116 

3) Modalism: Very popular. states that God is only one person who is merely changing modes of persons. An attempt to retain God's oneness while failure in explaining distinction of persons mentioned clearly in NT.

4) Subordinationism: Ranks in Trinity on basis of Essence, Nature and attributes. meanwhile, the submission is only about functional and relationship among three persons. 

5) Jesus is Triune God: perhaps a different version of Modalism. Jesus is clearly referred as Son, who communicates with Father and performed mighty works and services with help of Holy Spirit. 

6) Partialism: God has Three parts. Sees God as a kind of Puzzle. This makes divine persons partial gods while each are fully God.


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