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Cult and Alertness


Cult and Alertness

It was around 2018/2019 when I was severely almost caught in a heresy. There was a friend from India, Lucknow who got closer to me via a facebook group from Glory Apologetics team in India. I happened to know this apologetics ministry while I was thirsty for theology and apologetics with many unanswered queries. I was seeking resources on many subjects such as Science vs Bible, Trinity, issue of preaching Jesus from other religious scriptures, Jesus’ uniqueness and so many other issues. I then joined the group from Glory Apologetics and later became friend with a particular person now I am going to talk about.

Actually, I found him good in theological knowledge then. I thought he has Biblical sound understanding on many subjects. We used to discuss on history of religions, 666, anti-Christ, book of Revelation, Jesus’ uniqueness and so on. I was also friend with another person from India nearby Nepal. He has now already published two apologetics books in Hindi and has a good ministry [Let not expose his name too]. He once shared me an audio that was on Jesus being God’s Son. He asked me to check if the audio is Biblically sound but after listening it, I found lots of theological errors. I shared it with the particular friend but he rather supported in greater extent and he emphasized that the way we are understanding trinity is actually wrong and Jesus is not God. His knowledge sounded too much weird to me and I then prepared few questions to get his answers so that I might know his stand. However, his answers were Biblically poor and theologically misguided. I then started cross-questioning but he said if he answered my all queries, I must join with him in his ministry. I found his knowledge on trinity quite poor when I shared him a graphic picture of trinity I designed or modified using photoshop [Its in blog itself, You can see]. But he convinced me in such a way that my whole foundation was trembled and I began doubting Jesus as God, trinity as a Biblical doctrine and many other issues! I also shared this issue with my family and church leaders. They of course helped me but I had to face many faith issues!

I couldn’t pray, couldn’t study the Bible at all! I was also the one who made a logo for that guy! [The logo is in a file I share here with you or just the picture I have included at top]. I literally got sad about my situation! I then knew that we cannot take cult or heresy in an easy way! Once it becomes heavier on you, it is hard to get away. Please, don’t think I am acting horror here but sharing the reality about the power of heresy that I also felt and experienced. Thank to God and my family and church who helped me. The heresy generated doubt against established foundational doctrine of the Bible in me and I began to search against trinity and all things. I felt like superman surrounded around with Kryptonite. I was feeling helpless. Since that day, I realized how deadly can heresy be. Sadly, I had to block my friend although I didn’t even want but I had no choice. I stopped our chat and didn’t continue the journey further.

I was a fresher in apologetics that time [I only knew this new field during my plus two science level study] and I was struggling with many issues. I was seeking resources to clear my doubts and queries. We as teens and youths have many such challenges. Like in the west, most youths and teens have issues with atheism, evolution, etc. This may or may not be same case for us who are in Eastern side but we have our own burdens. I therefore encourage every enthusiastic mind to grab up opportunity and grow in both intellectuality and spirituality. Try best to make your Biblical base strong. Do not take cult, heresy, etc. lightly but always be alert and ready to face and present the truth.

Our age is growing age of delusion, deception and complexity of theological blurriness. New Testament warns us against all these. There are growing cult such as Sachhai, Mata Jerusalem, Eastern lighting church, etc. growing with dangerous but ear pleasing doctrines. I still get their friend requests but they never reply when I ask them query. So, its time to be prepared and be careful. What I faced once can be turning dice for other in coming days but always remember Lord is with you.

I just wished to share this today with you since this moment I can never forget in my life how it paralyzed my faith and put me in a cage of doubt against my faith. It was really a hard time for me that I was not even able to share with anyone but I dared to share because I trusted Lord. The file [Its in English] and even my podcast in Nepali language [I apologize for background distraction] are attached herewith.   

Thank you

Link to podcast [Its about 22 minutes longer]: Here! 

Google podcast: Here!

Link to the file: Get here! 

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