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Grace Essentials: Walking with God || Practical Religion || J.C. Ryle || Book Review


First publication date: 1995

Reprinted in 2021

Total pages: 178

Total chapters: 18 + 1 Appendix

Received on 27th June

Finished reading: July 25 – August 14 (21 days)

Rating out of 5 stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


I started in July 25 and finished in August 14 taking 21 days. This book appeared very sweet to me. It was a devotional, thoughtful, challenging and practical book that would surely help us to examine ourselves. It deals with important topics of Christian life that we often forget to consider while delving too much into theology, apologetics or worship.

Often time, we forget to examine ourselves. We forget to look up what God’s word has to say about our everyday life. We often think, once we become Christians, we are done. We forget about Christian journey and many considerations that we should have taken while living our life. This book provides pretty helpful insights on some of those areas. With Biblical doctrinal explanations, it provides us challenging messages and questions to revise ourselves.

The author has shown the practical aspect of Christianity and challenges us to live according to it. Truly, the contents are well written and explained with sound scripture and examples that would bear fruits in our private spiritual life. It bothers us to think about practical areas of our applying our faith besides our unnecessary enrollment in theological arguments and worship without foundation. The author’s plain motive is encouraging us to check our walk with God.

We may engage in big apologetic seminaries and discussing big topics to defend our faith or we may engage in Charismatic activities to allow peoples to stand still in their spiritual revival and build up their spiritual gifts. However, if we fail to be a practical Christian by heart then all our so-called heavy works might go wasted. If we aren’t in right track, it contributes nothing. Our works may benefit others but we might deceive ourselves. We might ruin at the end.

Every Christians should consider reading this book and putting oneself in examination so that they may turn to right track with God while it’s not late. The author has presented topics in such a pleasing manner that the book can be used in devotional Bible study.

Finally, I am thankful to have this book and in my recent days of spiritual trials, God has really spoken to me through this book! I have received a great challenge by realizing we have great deals of topics to revise and examine ourselves in light of practical Christianity.


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