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Summary of the book: Supernatural || Dr. Michael Heiser

Note to the reader: 

Just because we recommend any book, doesn't follow that we agree with it on all aspects. We recommend it because it is beneficial for effective Bible study in regard to certain topics. Dr. Michael Heiser was a gem and an expert in Old Testament Biblical Theology taking into account the Ancient Near Eastern context, Divine council theology, and Demons.

This summary article credits to brother Shanta Tamang who is passionate in Apologetics featuring Evolution and Historical Jesus. 

Summary of Supernatural

This is a summary of book Supernatural: What the Bible Teaches About the Unseen World and Why it Matters by Michael Heiser. As Heiser tells in the acknowledgement section, this book is highly based on his previous book Unseen Realm. Every pages and chapters of this book is full of new and fascinating ideas that will change the way we look Bible, God and ourselves, why we are here and our ultimate destiny. The book mainly focuses on the unseen world of scripture which are extraordinary and supernatural in nature such as council of God, divine beings, sons of God, Satan, Nephilim, cosmic geography, etc. which many preachers and pastors barely talk in our churches. Therfore, some people especially like Nepalese will find it very difficult to embrace since it contains very new and controversial topics. However, I find it as very helpful and thoughtful that every person needs to read.

The author opens the book with the common question, whether we really believe or not what Bible says. If we would say yes then it will take us to believe in many strange things of scripture. Bible contains many passages and verses like 1 kings 22:19-23 where God meets with the group of spiritual beings to decide what happens in the earth, which are very strange and troubling to believe especially in this modern age where no value is given to unseen spiritual world. But Heiser says in reality these strange passages like above and strange verse like psalms 82:1,2 kings 6:8-23, 1 Corinthian 6:3, Genesis 6:1-4 are very helpful since they teach specific ideas about God, unseen world and our own lives. Besides they are different from the ordinary, the author says the main reason why people are fascinated by science fiction or supernatural epics and movie is the way how we have been taught to think about the supernatural things of Bible among us. On the other hand, we churches are escaping the supernatural stories and making it super boring which is also the reason why Christians are not giving much interest.

Bible is very true when it uses the term gods which are created divine beings. God has the force group of divine beings which carry to make a decision together with God which is called God's assembly or council. This can be seen clearly in verses like Psalm 89:5-7, Daniel 7:10, psalm 82:1 and so on. All the members of this council are known as spirits or gods or also sons of gods (Job1:6, 2:). One controversial idea that I found while reading this book was the term Elohim which has been conventionally understood as the triune God. According to book, unlike trinity the Hebrew term Elohim means gods which literally are members of divine council. And God is the head of this council so he is called as the God of gods (Psalm 136:2, Deuteronomy 10:17). Not only does God have heavenly council but he has council on earth as well where God wants Adam and Eve as an image bearer of God to be part of council and to rule the world and make like Eden, God's home office and also the place where heaven and earth intersects. Since we are members of his family so God calls us as sons of God or children of God (John 1:12, Galatians 3:26). As a result, we see that God has two councils, on heaven and Earth. And all the members of his family are decision makers.

It becomes very clear that nobody can take a decision unless he/she/it has something to choose out of the available choices. Relatively, nobody can choose unless he/she/it has free will, an ability to choose right or wrong, good or bad. unlike robot which only does what is programmed it for God gives free will to his both imperfect beings (divine and human). the concept like freewill play a vital role. And it should be remembered that it freewill that has made things like love and self-sacrifice possible to exist and it is the same freewill that has led to  divine rebellion in God's council where one member of council doesn't like God's authority and wishes to be God(Isaiah 14:13) . As a result, God banishes him along with other angels from heaven to earth and today he is known as Satan or Devil among us. Now this enemy of God deceit Adam and Even in the garden of Eden which finally leads to loss of earthy immortality. As a result, there needed a redeemer for human to have an eternal life. This is all how the main charters Satan and Jesus enters in a story.

As we all know that every decision has its consequence, so does Adam and Eve's decision. Because of their disobedience, sin passed into their off springs. With the time the growth of sins increases in the earth. Now suddenly there is an entry of Nephilim, offspring of sons of God (Genesis 6:1-4). This causes co-opt in God's plan for human and the restoration of life. Soon after the flood we see another rebellion by human where they build the very big tower at Babel instead of being scattered which wasn't God before God wanted earth to be like Eden but humans wanted to bring God down at one spot.  As a result, God along with hid council decide to split their languages. God uses Abraham and promises to bless. After people are scattered, God choses nation Israel as his family in order to renew his kingdom on earth and fulfil his plan. So, Geography, place, nation in bible is cosmic, it is either dedicated to Yahweh, the most High or other lesser powerful gods (Deuteronomy 32). Israel was God's family and earthly representatives and the law of God was delivered by God’s council. But sadly, Israelites fails by breaking laws and worshiping other foreign gods of foreign lands. They were supposed to be loyal to God since the salvation for Israelites was by the faith on the promises and characters of God of gods and refusing to worship other gods. Some of the terms are very crucial to understand about God. The word or voice of God in old testament (Genesis15:1-6, 1 Samuel 3:19, Jeremiah 1:1-9) is not the literal sound we hear but it is the way of expressing God in human form. And terms like Angels of Lord (Exodus 23:30-22) and name of Lord (Isaiah 30:27-28) are in fact referring to God Himself. Moreover, Angel was the God in human form and also second person of Trinity who would later be a human, Jesus. There is a holy war for the promised land which was not physical but war against the force of darkness and spiritual enemies. With the time, the promised land, holy land is captured by other nations due to unloyalty and holiness of Israelites.

Since the fall of Adam, the world has been corrupted and lord of death has been controlling   over humans and blocking the God's plan to make earth the place where humanity could enjoy divine. So, God needs a man who is more than man, has resistant over temptation, obeys to solve this serious problem. But that was only possible if God himself becomes man. The new plan was sending to send Jesus, the messiah to earth and reversing the curse of fall by dying on a cross and again raising on third day. We see that the Satan tries many times to trap Jesus to make plan unsuccessful but Jesus, a God in a human form wins every time. The reversal was that Satan would not have a claim over the humanity once people belongs to Jesus. So, after his three years ministry Jesus begins to prepare for end. Jesus challenged the power of darkness and the transfiguration of Jesus on mount Hermon shows that He was here to take back all those which were taken. Following Daniel 7 clears says that it is the beginning of the end of the supernatural power of darkness when Jesus Christ, Son of Man dies, rises again, and ascends to heaven.

After that there is great reversal where He pours out his Spirit onto his people (Acts 2) during the day of Pentecost. The term rushing wind used here to refer the arrival of spirit is similar as the presence of God used in Old testament. And two things, flaming tongues which is associated with division and Jews crowd associated with confusion, connect event at Pentecost with Babel where there is the division of languages and nations led to confusion among them. But that divine and confusion led three thousand people to believe in a Christ. It is clearly found in the writing of Paul that we don't wrestle against the flesh and blood but against the unseen forces’ darkness like principles, powers, dominion and lords. He frequently talks about the territorial forces that opposes to spread gospel. All these show that Paul has realized the God's plan to restore His kingdom has been launched in his own life. The concept of sacred place, holy ground in Old testament is seen dramatic in New Testament. Sacred place or holy ground were thee place places where God would dwell His presence but in New Testament God is everywhere and We are holy ground of God since God' s presence dwell upon us so we are called the temple of God. Followingly, baptism is spiritual warfare and as Paul said although we die, we will rise with Christ. We will have eternal life by the faith in Christ and in the new heavens and earth will rule over angels (1 Corinthians 6.3). As the book say finally the powers of darkness will be defeated and the demonic gods will lose their dominion over the nations permanently which will be replaced by God’s glorified human family and council. Happily, at the end we will be in new eternal Eden with God and we will his family where there is no second death.


There is no doubt that this book has indeed changed the way I look the Bible, God and ourselves. I now know Bible speaks largely about the unseen world which are supernatural. Similarly, I learn that God has a council of divine beings. Especially this book has cleared who I think about Angel and Satan. I used to think Angels as someone who has wings but it was member of God's council. Both Satan and Angeles were sons of God. I knew my identity that I have a home in family of God. And my purpose was to play a part in God's plan to restore Eden.

In country like Our Nepal which is dominated by Hindus people, in my opinion it will be hard or otherwise will take more years for Nepali people to accept this idea. Because of two reasons. Firstly, this very new  and controversial stuff , so few peoples in country are familiar with this idea and for majority of Nepali Christ the notion is alien .Secondly, though there are vast differences between the  Heiser's idea of gods, angels and gods of Hinduism,  it shows Bible somehow being parallel to the idea of Hinduism, since there are countless gods and Shiva as lord head.

Thought I like idea of the book, there are some issues I would like to Raise. Trinity is the most important one that I want to talk since I felt like the book presents few or insufficient idea about Trinity. It would be much better if he shows link between God's council and Trinity comprehensively because almost every Christian beliefs God as Trinity-one being with three personhoods.

In conclusion it was really interesting to learn the ideas book provides and it has changed the way I look Bible and its events. And I think this idea should be discuss in our local church and among congregations.





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