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He fixed it!!!

 In the beginning God created heavens and earth,

A sovereign LORD all over east west & south & north 

First human couple were created in His Image,

to have a fellowship with Him: LORD of all age 

creation was though good but something wasn't right,

An angel in the past already brought the plight 

Clever and deceptive, Lucifer used his trick,

in the garden of Eden, Eve was made to fall sick

Both Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command, 

consequences was harsh & eternal death was demand

With grace and love, God promised then a Savior,

an anointed one to come in future to take away the terror

From the lineage of Judah, a Lion was born,

messiah came to rescue us from being eternally burn

With harsh sharp nails driven into hands and feet,

A crown of thorn on head, he died taking over himself our guilt

judgement was justified by the sacrifice of Savior,

God's wrath was calmed, the price got paid that was heavier 

With Jesus' resurrection began a new righteous generation,

God has been reconciled to us back, no longer we are in tension

Living a new life after repentance and forgiveness in Jesus,

Holy Spirit is granted to be a councilor for us

In, for and with Jesus as a goal until last breath,

a new morning is on the way to eternal life, don't worry about the death!

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