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The discipline of using Meme- Imaginative Methods of Apologetics


The image attached is from my Ministry Pinterest: Click here to reach

Instagram Ministry page: Click

Facebook Page: Click

My journey in Memes (Nepali): Here! 


Is it beneficial to use meme for conveying theological messages such as satire, warning, alert, information, suggestion, humor, etc.? If yes, then what are the criteria we must take into strict consideration? How best can we use memes to beautifully present the message as it is? Are there anything more aspect to ponder on? You can visit my Pinterest and Instagram ministry page (Links on Home page of blog) to see some examples. You can visit my blog to understand more on Contextualization vs Synchronization. Finally, let God alone be glorified in all our works of memes!

Podcast link:

Anchor: Here!

Google podcast: Here!

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