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What if Jesus had not prayed...?


Context/Background for this blog article:

Session on 'Why and to Whom Jesus prayed?' (Nepali session): Click here! 

A genuine question was asked by a friend at time snap 48:06 in the session video. It was however a new question or thoughtful/concerning question which I thought needed to be addressed to deepen our understanding of Jesus' life on the earth and significance of prayer he demonstrated. 

Jesus implies

- Follow me (Matt. 16:24-26)

- Imitate me (As Paul also said) (1 Cor. 11:1-2)

- I am the Model/ example (1 Peter 2:21)

- I am the aim of your sight (Heb. 12:2)

- I am the head of new humanity (Col. 1:18-20)


Therefore, if Jesus had not prayed...

1) He could have just simply come and accomplish his mission on the cross. But that merely would show his action rather than concern of saving humanity

2) He could just simply live a human life but that would leave an incomplete picture of how God and humans are supposed to relate[1]

3) Redemption doesn't include only forgiveness of sin but also restoring our willingness and submission to God and dedicate ourselves freely to live according to his rule, will and plan

4) Jesus could have omitted prayer life. But that would again deprive us from understanding significance of prayer as a communication and communion with Father.

5) Jesus' aim wasn't simply to come and go as an Avatar. His aim was to come to rescue humanity and recreate a new humanity and to lead them throughout eternal life.[2]

6) If Jesus hadn't prayed, his disciples and even apostles would miss the important aspect of prayer (1 Thes. 5:16-18; Phil. 4:6-7; 1 John 5:14; Col. 4:2; Romans 12:12 etc.) and we wouldn't be a truly redeemed generation since redemption isn't only about accepting Jesus and coming into fullness of salvation (or Justification). It’s about a journey and transformation of our spirit, soul and body.

7) Without prayer, there would be absence of understanding God's will for us and absence of our willingness to live for him. Jesus could have done that but it’s not just the case that Jesus was only to become a successful humanity. He came to make us all a successful humanity.[3]

8) Prayer life is a relationship life with God and Jesus himself showed that. It was needy for him not just because he was truly man but he lived in a harmonious relationship with Father.

9) If Jesus hadn't prayed, we wouldn't follow that way and Christianity would be simply a religion of seeking forgiveness, healing and servicing.

10) Would Jesus be failure if he hadn't prayed? Well, that might not be the case, but even God needs cooperation with humanity to accomplish his plans. So, he might not carry out his plans the way he thought although this doesn't undermine his sovereignty but sovereignty doesn't alone mean the ruler can do anything he wants to do successfully.[4] Maybe he could die on cross but he would not be a good example for new humanity.

Based on

नोट: ब्लग मार्फत दिइएको उत्तर हाम्रो नितान्त विचारको रुपमा मात्रै प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ | तसर्थ, यसलाई सठीक उत्तरको रूपमा नलिदिनुहोला यद्दपी यसले गहिरो रुपमा सोच्न भने मद्दत अवश्य पुर्याउनेछ | जसरी प्रश्न आफैंमा जटिल र अकल्पनीय छ (परमेश्वरको कार्यलाई हाम्रो मगजले सायद विरलै बुझ्न सकौंला!), त्यस्तै हाम्रो उत्तर वा विश्लेषणमा पनि सिमितता अवश्य छ | 



येशुले प्रार्थना गर्नुको उद्देश्य:

-पितामा समर्पित जीवन

-पिता सित संचार

-येशु शरीरमा हुनुहुन्थ्यो; उहाँले आफैंलाई रित्त्याउनु भएको थियो

-पिताको सहकार्यमा प्रति दिन काम गर्नुहुन्थ्यो

-प्रार्थनाको अर्थ: सल्लाह, अगुवाई खोज्नु

-पिता सितको सञ्चार-सम्बन्ध आवश्यक थियो

Source: Bible teacher PA Thomas

[1] “God’s Eternal Plan for Man and the World,” NepalChurch.Com (blog), September 9, 2019,

[2] The New Humanity • The New Kind of Existence We’re Invited To (Spiritual Beings Series Episode 7), 2019,

[3] Why Jesus Called Himself the Son of Man, 2018,

[4] Exclusive Interview with Rev. PA Thomas //परमेश्वर कहाँ हुुनुुहुुन्छ ? //Rohit Dhakal, 2020,

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