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My Journey from Hinduism to Jesus...


First of all, I would like to thank everyone for support and prayer :) It was my great ambition since my conversion to do something for Kingdom of God and I had eagerness in sharing and defending my faith. 

After passing my teenage and entering the stage of youth, I determined to help empower Christian youths or better to say enthusiast to share their faith with non-Christian world around. I am always glad to learn and to share what I have learnt. This blog has been established for the very purpose. 

It has been a week I have flooded the blog with varieties of articles and I forgot the most important thing to share. You know what? Its my testimony. So, I have attached here the drive link that leads you straight to the file where I had already coded my life story in brief. 

Finally, thank you all for your supports and prayer! God bless you all and keep on growing in faith!

Click below for testimony:


Why Apologetics? Click here!

Essence of Apologetics I realized: Click here

Turning point of my life curve to become defender of my faith: Click here 

The CATALYST to my Turning Point: Click here

My journey in Theology and Apologetics from 2015-2017: Click here!

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