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There is No Pain Jesus Cannot Feel

Think how you feel when you loose your loved ones? How it feels when somebody betrays you? How do you feel if you are being neglected and ignored? How do you feel if the people whom you helped so much later turns their back against you? How do you feel when broken? pretty painful right? Many of us go through this situation and have hard times to tolerate. None of the inspiring or motivating speech can help you to get you out of the anxiety. You feel so much pain within you. Some people are so weak that they fall into depression. Finally some commit suicide too! We all have such moments in our lifetime. And we are always seeking someone to share the pain with... 

But, you know what? This situation makes us feel that we need some helper, comforter, guide or even a Savior who can give us sympathy and help us to overcome the sorrows and suffering we bear. We often say: "My friend you cannot understand what's going on with me...". Yeah, I know this is what we say and we are right. Every humans need someone who has gone through every sufferings of this world. We need someone who really can understand deeply what it means to be a human and how it feels when we are in pain.  

Simply and carefully to put, I don't even think there is any option except Jesus for us... The only person who has gone through all sorrows and pains of human life, who has lived a human life and learned what it means to be a human, who knows how it really feels and who knows how shall we deal it. Yes! Jesus is only hope for us. He has tasted everything that we have to face and he knows our pain and struggle. Yet he gives us true hope in him that in him we find peace, sympathy, freedom and love. 

The awesome God whom we worship is triune and all three persons in the trinity exist in a relationship from whom we humans can learn life. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit knows our misery, our sorrows and struggles. The Father who sacrificed his only Son Jesus for sake of whole humanity can feel the loss of beloved one. Jesus himself lived in an environment of suffocation, sorrows, pain, weakness, catastrophe, misery and chaos. Cannot he feel us? 

I have often heard people asking if God really knows our situation and suffering here in this world. They sometime reject God and sometime moves away far from Him. The only response God gives to every men is that "Yes, I can feel your situation my child because I HAVE GONE THROUGH ALL SUFFERINGS AND TODAY I AM HERE TO HELP YOU". 

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