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Why am I a Baptecostal? Part III || It’s more than Healing!

Why am I a Baptecostal? Part III

It’s more than Healing!


A report demonstrated that most people converted to Christianity because of healing.[1] No doubt, God heals even today. However, healing has been very controversial issue and sometimes caused people to turn their back to Lord when they aren't healed as expected. The bottom line of this chaotic situation is: misunderstanding Jesus' mission [John 1:12; 3:16].[2]

It’s so obvious that people see Jesus as a healer deity. Many non-Christians come to Jesus due to impact of healing testimony. When they are healed, they are done.[3] But nobody are concerned about what does Jesus really offer to us? What is the Good News all about that Christians are risking their own life for its sake? Healing is obviously a grace and mercy work of God, but when we limit God merely as a healer then it becomes a false view of Gospel.

I have pity on those people who accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior and later turn their back on him just because they aren't granted healing. They pay less focus on Christian journey and characters but they all need simply is healing. The bitter truth lies not so far: Gospel isn't about healing and vice versa.[4] But it’s about such healing that nobody can offer. The healing people want can be attained by exercise, balanced diet, medical revivals, etc. But the healing Jesus came to offer is something we cannot effort enough to achieve it. It’s freely granted to us. Yet people curse the Savior when they aren't healed.

In modern times, we have many healing ministries. Some are healthy theologically but some are terrible. Many ministries market healing. They sell anointing oil. And many healing services are often a bad push to those who aren't healed in a local church. Their queries are often unanswerable. The only problem today is, people just seek healing. Once they receive it, they are done. They don't care what God wants from them [Matt. 28:19-20]. They don't even bother to think they should preach the Gospel [2 Tim. 4:2-5]. Instead they preach, church is hospital. This leads to devastating outcome.

To be very personal, I have met many peoples who cannot even declare Jesus is Lord God when they are asked who He is. Some do not even know why he came. Yet they have high desires of healing and when opportunity comes they attend some healing seminary, even ready to buy healing oil. This is a dark reality I have observed. I was too converted to Christ because of healing. I believe He heals even today. But, what we need to focus is, who Jesus is and what he offers that we are following him? This is a big question today! If our answer ends at healing, we should question ourselves.

Healing, gift of healing are sovereign work and will of God. They operate by the will of God and not ours. The gift itself is not even a parcel offered to people so that they can use it whenever and wherever they can.[5] Perhaps, Sam Storms and Michael Brown are wiser in this matter.[6] There are no healers except God alone and it is him who operates it according to his own will. Modern day prophets and healers act in such a way that they are given exclusive authority.[7] Some use hanky, some use oil, some blow off air to heal peoples. These all are unnecessary. To be more specific, these are idolatry!


Everyone wants to get healed. But nobody wants to enjoy the redeemed life and mission God has given us. The Gospel of renewal of humanity hence turns to Good News of Healing.

Part 1: Click here!

Part 2: Click here!


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[1] Prakash Upadhyay, “Restructuring Spiritualism in New Life: Conversion to Christianity in Pokhara, Nepal,” Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9, no. 1 (December 31, 2020): 135–147.

[2] येशूले किन र कसलाई प्रार्थना गर्नुभयो? Ep. 3 || Kevin Shrestha || Aradhana Platform, 2024, accessed August 13, 2024,

[3] Bible Questions and Answers in Nepali || Khulduli Show with  PA Thomas || Bible Teacher  PA Thomas, 2022, accessed August 13, 2024,

[4] Ken Mbugua et al., Prosperity?: Seeking the True Gospel (ACTS Kenya, 2016), 19–21.

[5] Bible Questions and Answers in Nepali || Khulduli Show with  PA Thomas || Bible Teacher  PA Thomas.

[6] Roundtable: Brown & Storms vs. Peters & Osman, 2024, accessed August 13, 2024,

[7] के दशांश नदिनु भनेको त परमेश्वरलाई लुट्नु हो ?  पाप गर्नु हो ? Face_up Simiyon with PA Thomas, 2022, accessed August 13, 2024,

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