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The Necessity of Revival!


Remark on video 1: Click!

To be honest, I find his teaching on this topic very relevant and balanced in present context and scenario of Nepal. These questions have been tremendously raised by non-charismatic and Pentecostal denominations today but this video has a lot to say something about this! I am blessed by the message. Sometimes in name of Sola Scriptura and scholastic faith, even Christians in Nepal have been heavily misled in understanding the purpose and need of revivals. For them, these are never seen or mentioned in scripture and hence must be stopped. For them, fruits, gifts and manifestations of Spirit get or become or appear synonymous and confused terms. He has indeed brought a good and important case from the church history itself. Meanwhile his expositional teaching on this subject dealing both extreme sides can really help Nepali Christian churches to comprehend these things more precisely.

Remark on video 2: Click!

It’s not a formula nor it is something that can be framed to a matrix. But to understand simply, this is the result when divine working and intervention meets human weakness. Today, due to rise of intellectualism (well that's essential too!) many churches see these situations as troublesome. Many of them try to use out of context verses to resist these kinds of things like "God doesn't change" or "He isn't God of confusion". Meanwhile what they forgot is to evaluate the aftereffect of the revival. How peoples in their weakness are touched by their loving Father and they submit themselves to be broken down in their hurdles and old characters. This paves them path to renew themselves and rethink their life again. Many peoples have life changing experiences in the revivals and bonus point is that revival helps us to be cautious about our identification and relationship with God. It helps us not to be misled in life but be connected with God and experience his works in our life. Intellectual side helps us to know about him while emotional side helps us to understand his care, love and concern for us. Hence, they must be complementary aspects and not rivals.

Really great video Pastor Bhojraj sir!

Remark on his previous video of necessity of Intellectual faith:


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