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Recommended Book Review: New Birth or Re-Birth? Jesus Talks with Krishna, Late Sir Zacharias


Krishna is one of the most revered and recognized Hindu deity in this world. His philosophical guidance to moksha namely the Bhagavad Gita has attracted many hearts. The Gita presents essence of Hindu philosophy and you might realize or notice many Hindu adherents recommending this book to be studied once in life. 

The book here namely: Jesus talks with Krishna was written by a famous apologist late Ravi Zacharias by explaining how Christianity and Hinduism differs fundamentally with an imaginary conversation between Lord Jesus and Lord Krishna along with two third entities namely Richard and Subramaniam. 

One can learn deeply how Jesus of Nazareth differs from greatly revered god in Hinduism Krishna and the grounds where both the religions have differences despite of superficial similarity that the world observe today. 

Since, late sir Zacharias was from East, he had better understanding of our Eastern belief system and has contrasted our faith in Jesus from belief in Krishna which can help us to have an analytical conversation with our Hindu friends and neighborhoods. 

Since, ISCKON and Bhagavad Gita has done a great contribution in this world by introducing Hindu philosophy in a core summarized form, it is necessary for us to know what the Bhagavad Gita offers and how it is different from what Jesus offers to us. 

This book is not much vast in content but very informative and helpful to build our faith and reach our Hindu environment harmonically.  

Genre: World Religion and reaching them 

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