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Do you struggle with the topic of 'Science vs Bible'?

 We literally believe the Bible and that's why we believe its every written words? While saying this, we often tend to forget that the Bible itself is a beautiful library of different literature works. The word 'Literally' doesn't even hold any water as its meaning and usage functions on the basis of genre of literature we are dealing with.

The Bible should be given the respect it deserves. For that, one must know neatly the context in which it has been written. In the emerging era of growing scientific knowledge, many Christians try to evaluate the discoveries in light of the scripture or vice-versa. Thus, this attempt creates fragments in Christian circle leading to different school of thoughts and theologies. 

In regard to the topic of Science versus the Bible, there are several concerned areas such as:

  1. Scientific facts in the Bible
  2. Scientific errors in the Bible
  3. The Glory of God science displays

The first and second premises are matters of either culturally relevant contextual interpretation of the verses or general mentioning of naturally felt laws depending upon the nature of genre we are dealing with. Whereas the third premise is a matter of philosophical approach and understanding the discovered aspects of universe and making the case for Supernatural agent. However, the third premise doesn't automatically lead to the conclusion that the God of the Bible is behind all this. Even a Hindu Pantheistic and Panentheistic views can seem plausible depending upon how people interpret the observable universe. 

When it comes to the first two premises, the challenges arise when particular passages or verses do not seem to align or agree with scientific findings. Peoples in secular fields aren't impressed with general science mentioned in the scripture. They have big concerns about the conflicts. This conflict generally touch the origin issues more than anything else on one hand while in the other hand, it suffers the cultural context issues. The struggle can be found in these areas.

What we can do in such case? Simply, let these guidelines help us:

  1. Was God focused on teaching Science lessons to his people?
  2. Obviously God is all-knowing, He doesn't lie and He knows his creation better. But does that put Him in obligation in teaching vast knowledge of science to the people who were not even in need of such stuffs?
  3. The absolute science is not always a need but the relative e.g. Sunrise and Sunset. Most of the time, the Bible uses such languages from human perspective while also mentioning general scientific facts wherever necessary such as air has weight, water cycle, light gets split, etc.
  4. The cultural context is important to know to understand the contemporary understanding of the Cosmos by the ancient peoples. They received God's unchanging revelation about himself in that environment. Its a language play and is dynamic. The message was to be preserved using relevant word play when the time and culture changes.
  5. The Bible was not even written to answer our concerns but God's. We can have unlimited queries about anything but only God knows what we actually need that best fits with the relationship He wants to establish with us for eternal destiny. That's all. 


I grew up with the same struggle but moved in my journey with trust upon the Lord and prayer. Many things in this journey was hard pill to swallow and quench! However, the Lord is always good!

How did I learn to deal with difficulties when it comes to struggling topic of Science & Bible?

  1. Six Days Creation of Genesis and science: Anyway Door
  2. Responding a science focused facebook page who criticizes religious views: Anyway Door
  3. Why are we even looking at scientific accuracy for inerrancy of the scripture? Anyway Door
  4. Are scripture and science rival? Anyway Door
  5. Earth’s dating and Genesis: Anyway Door
  6. Is Recent Creation view only the valid interpretation? Anyway Door
  7. How to reconcile disagreement between science and Genesis? Anyway Door
  8. Most likely interpretation of Genesis: Anyway Door
  9. Respecting the view that I don’t support: Anyway Door
  10. Thoughts on scientific and Biblical debates: Anyway Door
  11. What if scientific case proves to be wrong? Anyway Door
  12. Moon is Luminous body according to the scripture? Anyway Door
  13. Against Concordism (Position 2):
  14. Contents for science students:
  15. Creation vs Evolution, a healthy discussion: Anyway Door
  16. Discussion about Bible and science, an interview by Nepali apologist. Learning to lean towards the position that I don’t prefer to hold: Anyway Door
  17. Scientific facts in the Bible, an apologetics session held at Thaiba. The way of Concordist approach: Anyway Door
  18. Reviewing: The Holy Bible or the Hindu Puranas; Which is more scientific? Anyway Door

For more detail understanding on this subject: Anyway Door

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