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Discussing the Creation with friends with whom we disagree!


Personally, I believe in an OLD UNIVERSE and EARTH. But that doesn't follow I don't respect the Bible. Indeed, many concordist Young and Old Earth creationists seem to disrespect the Bible explaining it away from its original context! 

I used to be a Day-Age creationist jumping right away from the Gap Theory. Later, in my journey I began learning across several creation views. And finally, with an inspiration from some friends I landed on understanding the Bible from its ancient lens. That was the best historical, grammatical and contextual interpretation. Today, I have become an open-minded in this controversial space. Once I used to defend an old earth but today, I do believe, but I don't defend it. To add more, I don't even think the Bible has anything to do with science. The Bible reveals an ancient science and not the modern. This can be a great issue for concordists until and unless they spend a hard effort in understanding the Bible in its original context. 

Here, I am sharing a video of facebook conversation with some friends who have differing views. But it was a healthy discussion indeed! You can see an old Me in this video trying to defend Longer Genesis days which I don't hold today. Please, give your effort to visit my You Tube channel playlist with labels related to Science and Creation. 

The video simply demonstrates how our views can change in course of time under studies and walk with Lord. What I used to believe once, I don't hold it today but relationship with the Lord and my neighborhoods remains the same. That's Christian identity and goal. 

Video link: Click here!

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