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Reviewing: The Holy Bible or the Hindu Puranas; Which is more scientific?


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Review of the healthy Panel discussion

The discussion seems profound and respectful. The title is very catchy to the audience. However, after watching the whole discussion, I am confused if it was a debate for showing that the Bible is more scientific than the Puranas or just a sarcastic discussion of the claim of Puranas. 

At 0.38, Mod. Naren Sahu is correct regarding such a discussion between Christian and Hindu intellects. This is very rare. Usually, volumes of works can be found in the discussion about Christianity and Islam, Atheism, and Cults. Even today, many dedicated Christian theologians and apologists go for Islamic studies. There is very less reach out from the Christian circles to analyze Hindu worldviews.

Siddhartha from ISKCON presented scientific facts found in the Puranas but I was amazed to observe SAKSHI team didn’t even present anything from Bible. They went straight to the debunking part and then the rest discussion goes to rebuttal and rejoining.

Siddhartha from ISKCON seems to convey the necessity of scientific knowledge to confirm religious books as believable and trustworthy. Indeed, every religious system is in the race on the same point today. However, scientific discoveries themselves aren’t rigid. There are many things to be discovered, revised, and explored.[1] YECs[2] are quite correct in thinking this approach is troublesome.[3]

SAKSHI frequently used Adam’s nomenclature of creatures to support their argument that scripture suggests a scientific methodology of observation. Doesn’t this contradict with typical Christian mindset that death didn’t exist until sin? If we check the meaning of the names of carnivores, they represent violence and predation.[4] A typical Christian community and YECs even today find this unusual to fit in Genesis 1. Why didn’t Siddhartha ask a question like this?[5]

Next, they used 2 Timothy 3:16 to proclaim that the scripture is intended to guide in righteousness and not teach science. Then why the title of this debate is: Which is more scientific? The SAKSHI team didn’t present any scientific cases from the Bible as they had done in responding debate between Dr. Zakir Naik vs Dr. William Campbell.[6] Their concern was that Bible need not teach scientific knowledge since it wasn’t the purpose of the scripture but the Puranas themselves proclaim to have a great deal of scientific knowledge and hence, they are evaluating Puranas under scientific questions while neglecting the same area concerning the Bible. This makes the title itself irrelevant. Or was it sarcastic? To add more, YECs use the same verse to proclaim that scripture is intended to be the final authority in everything it teaches! 

Next, I found it ironic that the SAKSHI team discussed a lot about Puranic calculation of the age of Brahman, the universe, and the solar system. They didn’t address the Biblical stand on the Age of the Universe and the Earth. Siddhartha guru from the opposition didn’t even ask about 6 days of the creation of Genesis 1 and the very short time since creation. The whole discussion missed this important topic which is still a great curiosity for Christian's eager mind.[7]

They used history, scientists, and journals in favor of Christianity that which has never been against science. However, they didn’t use the scripture to show scientific knowledge embedded except to make the case that the Bible gives space for scientific exploration. They concluded modern science is the contribution of Christianity.

The debate was indeed healthy and I appreciate such debates which help to explore worldviews and create a healthy network for their interaction. However, the whole discussion didn’t correctly meet the goal of the title of the debate itself. The conclusions from each side were pleasing and correctly stated and addressed. They both agree that the primary focus of the Puranas and the Bible isn’t scientific knowledge but metaphysics, spirituality, our self-identification, and our relationship with God. They both agree that both religious books and science are still progressing in their interpretations.

Thank You!

[1] Norman Geisler, Abdul Saleeb, Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross, Baker books, 2002, pdf, Pg. 204

[2] YEC is a group of creationists who reject evolution and scientific data of ancient universe. They believe 6 days of Genesis as 24 hour days and universe only 6000 years old except for some liberals.

[3] Timothy Gordon, Old-Earth Creationism: A Position Paper, September 17, 2013, Pg. 5

[4] Sakshi Apologetics Network-Hindi, ए २५ - Kya mool paap kay pahley mrityu aur maansahari thay? माँसाहारी होना, क्या मूल पाप के पहले था?,, accessed on 11.23 pm, 4/24/2022

[5] Just read a book named ‘A Biblical Case for an Old Earth’ by David Snoke to understand the significance of this controversy.

[7] The Age of the Earth is still a great subject of harsh debate in Christianity. When it comes to Science and the Bible, even non-Christian touch this subject. Sadly, there is no solution to this dispute except considering it as non-essential subject for salvation and remaining open to any interpretation and scientific updates.

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