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My Journey in Theology & Apologetics since 2015-17


Our journey in faith reflects how we were travelling and how much we have become updated in understanding our knowledge of faith and relationship with God.

Perhaps in my intermediate level of study in Science (10+2), I began writing on various theological topics. I had no formal training, no guide, no mentors and not enough resources. However, I just moved on with the passion and a strong determination. I used to read anything that was at my reach. DaVinci Deception by Pastor Erwin Lutzer was maybe the book that influenced me at homely environment. Although I received Christ at grade 4, my intellectual journey began from Trinity at grade 10. I had experienced lots of stumbling block against my faith. I used to write down my insights and keep records in diary.

Today, when I looked back on those old diaries, I just feel amazing. I couldn't believe myself how God has really made me walk in intellectual aspect of faith. I find myself drastically changed today in contrast to my past. There are always updates in theological premise. This happened in my life in the last 8 years. Some changes are additive while some are deductive. In some, I have compromised while in some, I have become dogmatic. However, this may never stop. I am still in my journey. But this has nothing to bear in my personal fellowship with my Lord. However, I find inconvenience in Christian circle obviously.

I thought to create a pdf collecting all possible accessible old writings. I couldn't find few diaries but I tried best to withdraw from the accessible records. This helps me to reflect my past life without getting into irritating task of searching old diaries. This also helps me to share my thoughts with others easily. It manifests my journey of 7/8 years.

The contents are mostly repeated and touches premises such as science, religions, Christology and analytical writings. This pdf doesn't help anyone for resources but only for navigation. For my recent positions, anyone can simply navigate this blog.


Pdf on my journey in theology from 2015-17:

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