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The CATALYST to my Turning Point: How I came to know the field of APOLOGETICS?

We may have a particular turning point in our life that makes us to walk on a new journey of strong determination, ambition and goal but we need catalyst to enhance our passion and eagerness. After my conversion to Christ from a Hindu background, I had to face lots of trouble with intellectual issues related to my faith. I have already discussed those aspects of my life in previous blogs.

I am thankful to Triune God who placed me at right family, right church and right company which acted as catalyst to my journey in apologetics. This all started during my late school days. I became curious to know trustworthiness of my faith. 

Until I was preparing for my SLC, doctrine of Trinity was new for me. I received Christ as my Personal Savior about 6-7 years ago but I never knew about God's triune nature. First, I used to think of two divine persons Father and Jesus as essentially distinct. However, Christian theme of God's incarnation in Jesus, terms such as 'Son of God', 'Father, Son and Holy Spirit', etc. put me into greater dilemma whether Jesus was God himself or God's Son. I was like, what's going on here? Second, I really disliked this term 'Son of God' and equated it like polytheism concept. Third, I used to think whether Jesus is himself Father or different being from him. I asked this dilemmatic question to my Sunday School teacher to calm the Tsunami of my mind and she explained me 'Trinity' briefly. What was that? I didn't know such was concept of God in my new faith. 

When we used to have morning classes during my grade 10, I spent few time investigating what the concept of God was. I was troubled literally when I studied the Trinity for the first time! I asked about it in my family, at church and also surfed on the web. Nowhere I got any satisfactory and vivid explanation except 'Mystery'. So, catchy journey into theology began from the doctrine of Trinity. I then loved this doctrine than any of other doctrines. I found many Bible teachers doing great struggle to make this doctrine sensible to believers. Meanwhile, this remains always a confusion for all. :) 

Next, being curious in religious subject, I was troubled by the division in Christian circle regarding 'Jesus' allusion in our Eastern Religious Texts such as the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, the Bhavishya Purana, etc.' I was first excited to learn these and tried to build my own arguments for gospel but later I found its challenges and avoided the approach. Another troublesome subject that disturbed me was 'Parallelism of Jesus among Saviors of other cultures' that includes comparison of Jesus with Horus, Zeus, Mithras, Krishna, etc. and making a point that Jesus was nothing but merely a 'Copy-Cat'. Krishna-Christ connection is still a great hoax we can find today. 

As a science student, I had hard times with some atheist friends in my +2 level college. I used to have discussion with them regardless of being good friends however :). I was a great hater of 'Darwinian Evolution' and therefore I abandoned Biology even at my college and became a student of just physical group. I strictly believed in creation but the other side modern scientific case of origin of this universe and 6 days account of creation of Genesis troubled me. Overwhelming scientific case for ancient world was not matching up with traditional belief of young world in Christian circle. These things gave me lots of trouble. I can realize the pain of victims when our academic field doesn't align up with our faith. 

I am grateful that God did not give up upon my struggle, but it seems to me as if he already predestined the path for me to get into Apologetics. We used to have VBS camp, and one of my brothers Arjun Gadal suggested me to enroll in CBS. My uncle also wanted me to enroll in it. I was quite unwilling to do that at first place. Two things made my own steadfast will get divert: First, he was recommending me to join CBS which was relevant for my growth and there was invitation to a special guest PA Thomas. He was talking about the guest as if he might be someone who would be of greater significance for my future growth. Second, there was prize distribution for top 3 SLC students. Since, I had secured good percentage, my family encouraged me to join it. Of course, it wasn't greediness but a good opportunity! I had no rule of my own choice! Finally, I gave a big 'YES' to the camp. 

The camp was new for me. I was feeling lonely and didn't make any friends of my age except elders and leaders. I was not active. But something attracted my attention. It was 'Apologetics'. I didn't know what it was. Elder PA Thomas took several sermons but I was not much attentive not until the main interesting session. So, there he was leading teacher in the session and explained what the field is. I was astonished. The field exactly quenched my thirst! It was the same field I had longing for! The session was a magnet and I was nail to it. Thomas uncle played 'Devil's Advocate' role amazingly and all youths got knocked out who attempted to convince their faith. His defensive answers were also pleasing and insightful. The camp became a catalyst for me since then. I was extensively influenced and began my journey on 'APOLOGETICS'. 

Since then, my appetite grew not just for spiritual field but also for intellectual. I began exploring the internet, books, interacting with learned leaders at my church and also with Thomas uncle. I guess, if I had rejected the recommendation to the camp, I wouldn't have been today where God has placed me. I have had a great passion to learn and also to equip others who do face difficulties as I did. We cannot rely wholly on church, elders, deacons or pastors for this. God does elect particular people and ministries to bring such learning environment. I am honestly indebted to all those who really helped me. What's more? It was God himself who predestined my path and I am willing to contribute in midst of teens and youths today! :) :)   

Thank you!