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Why Apologetics?


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Apart from devotion and worship, Apologetics has been a great necessity today. It doesn't matter which denomination we belong to or which particular premise such as prayer, gifts, evangelism, teaching, worship, etc. we focus on, Apologetics is also one of the great responsibility we are handed over. 

 You might have siblings who study schools and colleges. They might have queries about science and scripture. Your elder family members or relatives or members of churches might struggle with spiritual issues like why God doesn't heal their illness despite of extensive prayer. Teens and Youths in your church might have genuine questions about ethics such as tattoo, wine, abortion, LGBTQ, etc. Your non-Christian circle might ask you what's so special about Christian faith when they see us exclusive. Hence, there are serious circumstances in our everyday life where we have to be always ready to answer them. It is true that we don't have every answers but we can at least guide them in right understanding.

 We should not be insane in this age of Information. We must keep ourselves updated and equipped with wide varieties of fields in order to reach people through that way. If we neglect today, the future can be a great trauma for us. We have a responsibility to build ourselves individually as well as to build our local church. 

Let's build our nation not only in spiritual revival but also in intellectual integration. Our minute effort today can integrate into great ministries tomorrow. Our initiative concern today can be industry of producing great Christian thinkers tomorrow. 

Thank you