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Important theological terms for the beginners - Part VIII || Worldviews || 2025


Worldviews: It is a way of looking at the world that obviously has influence on how we view our existence, birth, living ways and life conducts and even death with regard to our purpose and meaning of life. Some has pessimistic view while some has optimistic. Some has religious view while some do not. Some care a lot what their life really holds while some don't even care their purpose of life. Some think life is just suffering while some think its all about enjoying the best we could. whatever they think and even believe that to be true, there are consequences in their way of living. Worldview is indeed important concept to consider.

1) Theism: The view which associates with religious significance in their life. 

1.1) Monotheism: The theism that holds to belief in one God. E.g. Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Biblically, this is correct but Biblical monotheism isn't same as Islam's and Judaism's. We believe in Trinitarian monotheism i.e. YHWH is tripersonal God which isn't entertained in Judaism and Islam. Judaism worships YHWH but doesn't consider His plurality while Islam admits Allah is Singular Person who is neither born nor give birth as he doesn't have any female partner. 

1.2) Polytheism: The theism that holds to multitude of gods. E.g. Polytheistic Hinduism and many ancient religions. It is inconsistent with our belief. In Ten Plagues, it was God himself who demonstrated his power against Egyptian gods. 

1.3) Pantheism: It states "God is all, All is God". Thus, no absolute distinction between God and universe. This theism somehow pertains within Hinduism community. Bible teaches God is creator. God and everything else are distinct. Genesis 1:1, John 1 and Col. 1 makes it clear. Pantheism concludes Man is God which is the same lie the devil has given. 

1.4) Panentheism: It states this universe is itself a part of God. This view also pertains in Hinduism community. Bible doesn't teach anything like this rather it teaches universe is plan of God. However, in light of dependency of universe on God, some may argue Christianity as weak-panentheism

1.5) Monism: It advocates a single reality. Oneness of everything. everything can be simply reduced into one substance. Advaita Vedanta in Hindu philosophy holds this view. In this philosophy the ultimate reality is Brahman. Biblically, distinction shall always prevail even in future new heaven and new earth. There is nothing oneness. 

1.6) Henotheism: It is adhering to a particular deity for worship without denying other gods. E.g. In Hinduism, some adhere to Vishnu, some adhere to Shiva while some adhere to Shakti. Or, we have popular quote in Hindu society saying: “Devo ka dev, Mahadev i.e. Mahadev, God of gods”. This simply doesn't hold true for Biblical faith. It rather attempts making Jesus a tribal God in its sense. 

1.7) Monolatry: sounds similar to Henotheism except for the fact that a particular deity is considered worthy of worship. E.g. some Divine council theology (i.e. council of gods) existing in some religions where one God is above all deities. In our Hindu society, we have Ganesha worthy of first worship although this might not be precisely be Monolatry except for a general understanding. Biblically, this view can have some reliability to some extent if we consider YHWH as the only worthy God amongst "gods" who are merely created divine beings with authorities. Refer to late Dr. Michael Heiser to learn more on this. 

1.8) Deism: A view that holds God doesn't interact with the world. Deists deny the Trinity, the inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, miracles, and any supernatural act of redemption or salvation. Deism pictures God as uncaring and uninvolved. 

2) Atheism: Simply, a view that eliminates god from scene. Buddhism as its core foundation falls under this category. 

3) Hedonism: A view that holds life is all about enjoyment and luxurious living. 

3.1) Christian hedonism: a view which holds that true joy and happiness is only found in Jesus. 

Piper coined the term Christian hedonism as a provocative way to express a timeless truth: God is not glorified in us as He ought to be when He is not our greatest joy. Or to put it positively, in the words of Piper, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” ( 

4) Agnosticism: A view which is uncertain about existence of god and has nothing to do with it. Biblically, we have no reasons to consider such thinking (Romans 1:20). 

5) Animism: A view that states there is soul in everything leading to worship of nature. This can be a form of Pantheism. This worldview is prevalent in Nepal within tribal like Kirats. Various natural resources are worshipped here. Meanwhile, studying historical evolution of religion often shows that Animism has also led to other forms of worldviews like Polytheism and Pantheism. Refer to Rev Dr. Balkrishna Sharma’s book on Major World Religions that is available in Nepali language and Winfried Corduan’s Neighboring faiths for deeper study.  Nature is merely God's creation and everything is his providence. It is unbiblical to believe nature is to be worshipped. Genesis 1, John 1 and Col. 1 clearly states this view to be hopeless approach of humanity.

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