*Eschatology (the study of End Times) is a very important, interesting and also debated topic. It carries significance of how the future goes and what God has kept for us. understanding basics of end times serves us in knowing what happens in upcoming future and what hope we have in regard to our future destination. The scripture does give us details of events except the chronological order. We are ought to remain awake and alert every time and await returning of our Lord.
In Nepal’s context, dominated by belief in re-birth, reincarnation, cyclic universe and yugas and Nirvana, the Christian view of future indeed helps to see there is something more to Christian faith when someone believes in Jesus. There is no fear of death and reincarnation cycles but only the hope to be with God forever in a brand-new world.
Christ isn’t essentially changing one’s religion but it’s achieving eternal state
and knowing that we have something great coming in near future that would give
us true peace, joy and happiness.
Here are certain terms we must know in their general sense.
1) Rapture: Literally it means to snatch away. It is often a
common word we hear at the church in relation to end times. The true church is
taken up to be with the Lord before the time of great tribulation begins on
earth. This would be instant, at any moment, secret and removal of true church
from the earth before the tribulation happens. However, its correct
chronological order is still debated and not all Christians believe this
doctrine. The rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians
2) Tribulation: (Matt. 24:21 & Rev. 7:14) This is the
great suffering period for 7 years on earth where the Anti-Christ and False
prophet would exercise their evil dominion over the world. The timeline order
of tribulation in relation to Jesus' second coming and his thousand years
kingdom is quite uncertain and debated in Christian community. During this
time, the famous mark of beast 666 is implicated. It is also not certain
whether the mark is intended for all peoples or only for Jews. But one of the
views holds that the Antichrist first sets a contract with Jews to attract them
and breaks it after 3.5 years and after which two witnesses would be sent to
evangelize Jews. And 666 is said to be intended for these Jews receiving Christ
so that they could severely be dominated. At that time 144000 Jews would come
to Christ. Again, it is also a subject of great debate whether the church would
suffer this miserable time or they would be rescued through the rapture. It is
held that the true church shall be with the Lord where they get judgement of
their works and receive their rewards until the great tribulation happens on
3) Thousand years kingdom or Millennium: Christ shall
ultimately return to earth in order to rule a thousand years reign. It is
believed that Anti-Christ and False prophet would be sent to hell and Satan
would be bounded during this reign. It shall be a kind of utopia kingdom where
Christ would ban all worship of false gods, establishes a peaceful development
on the earth. However, we should not mistakenly assume that all the peoples on
earth shall then come to Christ and get redemption. This wouldn't happen.
Again, its chronological order isn't certain and all Christians do not think it
is literal. Some groups think we are indeed in this phase today.
3.1) Premillennialism: based on Revelation 19-20 which holds
it shall happen only after return of Christ. Its order goes as: Rapture,
Anti-Christ comes, 7 years great tribulation, Second coming, Armageddon war,
judgement of Anti-Christ and Satan's bondage, resurrection of dead people, 1000
years reign, release of Satan and his final rebellion, final judgement, New
heaven and earth.
It has again two views:
1) premillennial dispensationalism that holds church age
ends with rapture and thousand years is age for Israel when it would again be
2) historic premillennial holds church has displaced Israel
and hence never ends. However, the church shall fall away into great extent and
has to go through the great tribulation. Then Christ returns and the church
shall rule with him for thousand years.
3.2) Postmillennialism: It holds Christ returns after 1000
years reign. It holds many peoples shall come to Christ and church would have
great impact on this world. Hence, this view seems hopeful. It sees the church
as displacing Israel. When Christ returns, he judges the world.
3.3) Amillennialism: It holds Revelation 20:1-10 as symbolic
rather than literal. Present church age is actually millennial reign. Then when
he returns, he would judge the world.
4) Anti-Christ: (2 Thes. 2:3, 8) This would be a special
human figure appearing at end with all the powers and plans of the Satan with
an aim to overturn and destroy all that Christ has done. He is just all the way
opposite to Christ who would exalt himself as God on earth. And the second
beast known to be False Prophet shall work thereafter to support this
lawlessness man. Many anti-Christ did indeed arrive since times of apostles who
would deny Jesus. But one main figure would appear at end and perhaps rule this
earth during the great tribulation. His identification is uncertain. But he
would be Satan's humanly manifestation the way Jesus was God's.
5) Unholy Trinity: It is just a bad Trinity composed of
Satan, Anti-Christ and False Prophet.
2) A book: Here!
Resources consulted:
1) gotquestions.org
2) English-Nepali Theological dictionary by Reformed books
3) teachings by PA Thomas in जीवनको आशा
4) Foundations of the Christian Faith by Roger Weil