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Flat earth in the Bible? || What are we supposed to do with this great controversy?



Premise 1: Once again, it is another disputed subject among Christians

1) Some believe the relevant verses are merely poetic and metaphors while others believe they were literal. You can compare the teachings of Mike Winger, Michael Heiser, William Lane Craig and Ben Stanhope to be clear on this matter.

2) Some believe the verses if accurately understood then they are clearly the pictures of the world we see today while others believe otherwise. Young and Old Earth creationist takes hold of former view to some extent of minor disagreements (for e.g. watch debate between Dr. Hugh Ross and Kent Hovind) while Stephen Meyers (not the one who is champion of Intelligent Design movement), Bible project, Michael Heiser, etc. takes the later view.

3) Some think God accommodated and narrowed down tounderstanding of the peoples of those ancient days while others think this would make God a fallible God

4) Some think the Bible is written for all generations in aneasy grasp way while others think the Bible is written according to cultural languages. The former view has been propagated by Kent Hovind in his debate with Michael Jones of Inspiring Philosophy.  


Premise 2: What if the Bible teaches a Flat earth?

1) That would just prove the honesty of the scripture which shows historical reality of the worldview peoples in that old times held about the earth and universe. Biologos holds this idea.  

2) That would show God was just using that worldview asvehicle for his theological messages

3) That would show the way we can relate God's conduct with other cultures where he is showing his supremacy over false gods using their worldviews so that gentiles and God's peoples might have a proper connection in understanding which God is mighty and true one


Premise 3: So…what are we to conclude?

1) We can simply go to that timeline just to understand the original messages God was giving to his peoples which is an art of exegesis. We don't bear pressure whether the ancient peoples understood the world differently than us in a metaphor sense or literal sense. If this issue hasn’t created any threat to Christian identity among scholars, why should it be a reason to be a barrier for us?

2) The ultimate knowledge is about who God is, what God is and how he connects himself with the world he created. For us it might be galaxies, stars, planets, etc. But for God, it could be a three-tier world system, a temple simply to connect with his peoples. He doesn't need our way of seeing this world. And we aren't obligated to redefine our worldview. The understanding of this world may change but God's identification and nature would never.

3) This is again another debatable topic and we cannot spend and waste our precious time having arguments with our brother and sisters. It’s not about winning in argument with them. It’s all about what and how God is revealing about himself to us. The worldview is a matter of vehicle agent and not the object of focus.

4) We cannot also simply say to believe your Bible not scholars because our Bible reading automatically derives our worldview into its verses! Give so-called flat earth proof-texts to a child who doesn't know anything about the world. He probably comes up with similar conclusion that Bible appears teaching a Flat earth! Hence, we also need to understand what scholars have to say and where they take us essentially.


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