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The Entire Biblical Story told from Satan's Perspective || 2025 || Review

Video Link: Click!

A Review:

1) A great start with deeper quest about Satan

2) I am not sure about his origin 

3) Satan's name was Lucifer? I am not sure of this either. 

4) Demonstrates how creation of humanity makes him very envious. Even in the Islamic faith, I've read that Iblis (Devil in the Quran) questions Allah when he asks other creatures to bow down to Adam. (Verify this story once 😅)*

5) I would agree that Satan had a mind to seeing himself as god, honoured and exalted higher above than God himself. The part of story where God creates men to be Christ's bride and heir and God's co-ruler would be intolerable thing to him.

6) I am not sure but I think I would agree that even the Satan had something in his mind, a plan to show he has a better ruling strategy than God and he always wanted to demonstrate it (yoga, transcendental meditation, occult, zodiac signs, astrology etc. all are his rule over humanity). As video says, he might be showing that he is better than humanity in light of worshipping to God either. And he wanted to show how fragile God's final creation in his own image really was! 

7) Yes, I would agree that Satan became "adversary" indeed the very term Satan means! He is always trying to shame us of our sins and take us far away from God. 

8) God was in favour of humanity and Satan then declared war against both.

9) Job lived 400 years after the global flood? Need to check this timeline. And personally I take a view of local instead global flood.**

10) The video shows a different view of Job but I would also recommend you to go through video by Inspiring Philosophy for another unexpected view 😅***

11) After God gave the law, it became much easier for Satan to tempt than before - good point ! 

12) Satan was amazed to know someone shall come to undo everything he planned to destroy humanity. And a dramatic entry of the being "Angel of the LORD" ❤❤❤ + I loved the music 😁😁😁

13) God knew sacrifices, laws and wiping away humanity couldn't redeem mankind 😢. God's justice demand their execution while his mercy allowed their existence and multiplication. 

14) So true! God cannot choose both! Either mercy but that wouldn't be fair for his own word demanded the death or justice but that would rule out the very purpose of his creation and didn't want humanity to perish 😢😢😢

15) Satan didn't want that someone mysterious being to act against his goal so he begins to investigate his identification.

16) But his attempts actually fulfil Old Testament prophecies! 

17) God declaring his Son as man on earth is an important theology ❤

18) But... its true that Satan actually didn't even know what God was up to 😄😄😄 Watch Dr. Michael Heiser video for more on this.**** 

19) Now, Satan was again given a chance to face the Son of God to tempt and that would change everything 😃

20) Jesus was at razor's edge to prove either God was right or to prove Satan was right 

21) Satan embraced crucifixion as a way Jesus would suffer a terrible pain and reject God at final boiling point. 

22) The future of mankind would the be determined in next 15 hours and it rested solely on Jesus' shoulder - an epic line ❤❤❤

23) Satan was indeed tricked and he knew it was rather God's pieces he was moving everywhere and connecting the dots to redeem mankind through Jesus! 

24) I am somehow uncomfortable with the idea of "elect" 

25) Satan hasn't given up and he had an idea of having a trinity of himself to which theologically we call "Unholy Trinity= Satan+ Anti Christ + False Prophet." 

26) Not sure about end times chronology ! Many views exist and not sure which one gets right! After all, Jesus wins is what we're to make sure!!!

Overall it was a great video! And I loved how the verses were used throughout to put such a beautiful story from Satan's lens. Thanks to my friend [Name not Important] who shared this video and asked me what I think of it. Indeed this video is entirely from Satan's perspective and yet it doesn't contradict the Bible but illustrates the same story!

References used:

*         Iblees in the Islamic faith: Click!

**       Why the Global Flood is not necessarily one and only view Christians must take: Click!

***    The book of Job explained in an interesting way: Click!

****  Video by Dr. Heiser: Click!

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