God's BIG picture: A Bible Overview
Author: Vaughan Roberts
Edition: 2009
Total chapters: 8
Total pages: 170
Salient features: Eye-catching illustrations, theological
adequate short notes on important topics, Bird's eye view charts showing
conclusions in each chapter, Bible study workspaces and Highlighted notes.
This book is so amazing that equips the reader to understand
the Bible from the beginning to end. The author tries his best to make us very
clear about what's all about the Bible and Christianity. He has well explained
what God is up to and how different books of the Bible fits altogether. The
book is designed in a layman language that even a new convert or fresher in
faith can understand and enjoy the fresh air of the journey in understanding
the Big picture of the Bible.
The author seems a trained teacher as he doesn't leave his
work boring art. He brings up charts, illustrations and notes to conclude or
focus on major points. This helps the reader where he has begun and where he is
heading up to in the journey of understanding the Bible. The author has also
become so conscious of theological need and digest but in layman language and
practical examples. The reader would grasp a beautiful kingdom perspective of
the Bible in such a way that he would understand the meaning of calling Jesus
as king.
The journey from different constructive phases of God's
kingdom gives us a great deal of looking to our faith with more majestic view
of Jesus in our life. Usually, we have been viewing him as healer, God,
comforter, Savior but it remains a question to ask ourselves how much we have
viewed him as our King. The author tries his best to take us in an adventurous
journey from the Old Testament to the New Testament, explaining almost many
books in light of Kingdom theology.
We usually go to the church and receive Jesus as our Savior
and we think our salvation is finished. Everything is done. However, this book
helps us to make our eyes open and see where we have fallen from accurate
reality. We are yet to be done and our spiritual salvation isn't even the Goal
of the Christian faith. This book strives enough to show us where we are moving
on and what is our role in this world until Christ comes again. Trust me, the
Big Picture is more beautiful than any hymns we have ever sung at church!
I am so thankful to have this book! And I thank my God, my
Lord, my Savior and my King for this beautiful privilege and blessing!! As I
read this book alongside the Bible and daily prayer, it will now help me to
read the Bible, understand it, pray to the Lord and relate to God in deeper way
than before!
As a Pentecostal believer, I would rather suggest that we
should be willing to understand the Big picture of the Bible than just seeking
and enjoying gifts! We are to use spiritual gifts for God's kingdom and Gospel!
May this book be blessing for all believers!!
Received: Oct. 8
Started reading: Oct. 9, 13, 15
Finished date: Oct. 16