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Prosperity? seeking the True Gospel || Book Review


First publication date: 2015 

Total pages: 131

Total chapters: 6 + 4 Appendix 

Received on 27th June

Finished reading: July 10 - July 18 (9 days)

Rating out of 5 stars: ⭐

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People sometimes say that “money is the root of all evil,” but the Bible does not say that. Paul says in 1 Timothy 6:10, the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils, but that speaks of the love of money, not money itself.

-Appendix II, Money, Wayne Grudem, pg. 123


    I would confidently say, this book is the one, every Christians must have and must read! This book is an awesome product, a sweet nectar to our spiritual feeding and helps in producing the right understanding of true prosperity in our life. This book is bombardment upon the prevailing PROSPERITY GOSPEL. The book exposes the prosperity Gospel and its poison.

    The Prosperity Gospel is a dangerous perversion of the true Gospel. Its adherents are rising tremendously worldwide. It is taking believers away from God and the true blessings he wants to grant them. The Gospel is offering indeed another god, another joy, and another promises that would seem so deserving news but spoils our body, mind and soul. They twist the Biblical passages to suit their dangerous theology and prepare tactics to draw peoples to their arena offering them false hope, false promises and false joy.  

    The book is so much equipped with all the contents that is needed and enough to annihilate this false concept of mixing the Gospel or redefining the Gospel with wealth. The authors are so dedicated to rescue the believers by showing them how much they have been fooled by the prosperity preachers in name of peace, joy and hedonistic life-style as blessings in state of being children of God! Their corrupted words, theology and activities have damaged lives of lot of people making them repeat the history of the extreme past: the Edenic fall, the wrong choice, the other god, seeking something else rather than god and pleasuring in the gains instead of the relationship with the source.

    Debunking every tenets of the prosperity Gospel, the book then move on offering us the clear concept of Biblical prosperity. It appeals us to reform our understanding on suffering, on money, on health, on wealth in light of correct relationship with God and what God has indeed offered us! The book doesn’t conclude money, wealth, health are inherently bad but it does warns us against our desires to attain them and make them our gods instead seeking and awaiting for the true prosperity God would obviously grant us in his own time.

    The Prosperity Gospel replaces, redefines and displaces the true redeeming Gospel. It fails to allocate the true root of human troubles and adds more deviation to human goal. Today, many Hyper-Charismatic preachers go on hand-in-hand with this dangerous theology instead offering what the true Biblical Gospel has to offer. They preach what the audience want to have instead what God has to say through his word. They divert their mind into the things they wish to attain at this life without knowing that they have been deprived of true blessings from God.

    It is true that we obviously need money, health, wealth and low-intensity suffering in order to live with proper breathing and even to enroll in ministry works. But the false Gospel we are offered makes us slaves to those elements. Our life becomes materialistic oriented instead God-oriented.

    The book beautifully portrays a clear picture of a true prosperity that we should indeed seek. Perhaps, our earthly situations have so much left us in despair that we are suffocating and wanting prosperity. Meanwhile, God has indeed greater blessings to offer us that shall never perish. He knows our situations and yet he also knows he has better things to offer us.

    The greatest prosperity God has offered us indeed is nothing but ‘Himself’: reconciliation with God. What would be more pleasing to hear than this? What could be more dramatic blessing than God himself coming into the world to rescue us and establish a new refreshed fellowship? What’s more than this we could ever imagine?

    I am thankful to have this book and in my recent days of suffering, distress and suffocation, God has really spoken to me through this book! I have received a great comfort by knowing we already have true biblical prosperity. I would repeat again: every church should read this book once in their life-time.


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  1. You have brought up a good point. However, I feel sad for new Christians or those who do not have an in-depth understanding of the Bible and simply follow the crowd. One group follows the prosperity gospel, while the other opposes it. My heart goes out to both groups.

    Leaders and people from both groups have diluted what the Bible says. Some claim there is no prosperity, while others assert that Christ died to make you prosperous and heal your body. I see both perspectives as misguided. You can't equate prosperity and the gospel. Physical prosperity is carnal, whereas the gospel is spiritual; Christ died to save your soul, not to heal your body or bless you with wealth.

    It's clear that if you believe God will provide for you, He will do so in His own time and according to His will. Therefore, Christians shouldn't stress about this issue. Do not mix the gospel and prosperity—they are different things, but both are true in their own contexts.

    My concern is that the Bible should not be used out of context. Discuss physical prosperity only when the context matches. Don't diminish Christ's sacrifice by connecting it to prosperity. However, if you believe and work hard, God will prosper you.

  2. You have brought up a good point. However, I feel sad for new Christians or those who do not have an in-depth understanding of the Bible and simply follow the crowd. One group follows the prosperity gospel, while the other opposes it. My heart goes out to both groups.

    Leaders and people from both groups have diluted what the Bible says. Some claim there is no prosperity, while others assert that Christ died to make you prosperous and heal your body. I see both perspectives as misguided. You can't equate prosperity and the gospel. Physical prosperity is carnal, whereas the gospel is spiritual; Christ died to save your soul, not to heal your body or bless you with wealth.

    It's clear that if you believe God will provide for you, He will do so in His own time and according to His will. Therefore, Christians shouldn't stress about this issue. Do not mix the gospel and prosperity—they are different things, but both are true in their own contexts.

    My concern is that the Bible should not be used out of context. Discuss physical prosperity only when the context matches. Don't diminish Christ's sacrifice by connecting it to prosperity. However, if you believe and work hard, God will prosper you.
