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Trinity refuted in 30 seconds or content creator proven to be in ignorance in 30 seconds?



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What this content creator said is correct that:

1) Father, Son and Holy Spirit each are 100% God

2) Therefore, each of them should have 100% attributes of God

Now his concern is:

If Jesus is dependent on God the Father, he cannot be 100% God as God is 100% independent?

If Jesus is independent on God the Father, there would be two Gods i.e. two independent existence?


Well, is that what the Trinity really is?

First and foremost, the Bible makes no more or less claim that there is only One God! In addition, three distinct persons appear on the scene: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Again, they are described as distinct persons, are called God and shown having different offices.   

To have a bird’s eye view or a Big Picture:

Trinity can be possibly summed into

1) There is One God

2) God is Three co-eternally existing persons

3) Each person is fully God

However, typical human understanding lands on following conclusions (Caution: Don’t even believe on any of these even if they make sense to your mind!):

1) Only one Person can be God (Technically, Unitarianism, Subordinationism, Monarchianism)

2) Each is 1/3 of God (Technically, Partialism)

3) Each are just three different modes or forms of that One God (Technically, Modalism)

Secondly, the dependency in Trinity Godhead is not about the essence, nature or attributes but it’s a relational and functional dependency. Father, Son and Spirit have a perfect communication, strategical goal, and personal roles to play to accomplish a task. Both Son and Spirit submits to Father’s authority (Matt. 6:24). The Father is the ultimate source while the Son is eternally begotten of the Father, uncreated and the Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father.[1] Hence, there is no competition but only complement. No dependency in sense of essence, nature, and attributes but functional roles.

Finally, the independency in Trinity Godhead is about correct understanding of essence, nature or attributes of God. All three persons have the one and same essence, nature and attributes that God alone has. Therefore, it is not three Gods but only One God. Since, God is one maximally great being, Jesus cannot be a different independent God apart from the Father. If three different beings exist with same essence, nature and attributes, its merely the one and same entity rather than three entities. God by definition is maximally greater entity. And again, if three beings exist with same essence and attributes, we again get another maximally greater being under their combination. The chain goes on. God is greater than everything and even the combined entities. Hence, such a being can only be one.[2] Therefore, when we say God is independent, we are actually referring to Triune God! Hence, Jesus is the same God as the Father is. As Christian apologist Sean Mcdowell explains in response reel, Colossians 1 and John 1 both declares God is the creator and Jesus is that God! Hence, Jesus is described independently as God. His dependency on the Father is seen as his incarnated state.[3]

Simply to put, the content creator is making a strawman argument, loaded questioning fallacy and false dilemma fallacy in my personal opinion! Again, his assumption is such as if the Trinity can be fully understood which can never happen!

So, which one do we prefer?

We simply prefer his zeal to revise his understanding of the Biblical Trinity.  


 Wait, wait, wait! There’s one more bonus question and its possible answer!

If Father is God, Son is God and Spirit is God, wouldn't there be any competition among them?

That's a great question! At the very core of the question, we need a precise and Biblical understanding of what we mean by God is Trinity. By definition, God is One is a Major emphasize of the Bible. Meanwhile, there is Father, there is Son and there is Spirit, each are called God and having divine essence, nature and attributes. Logically, they must be same God if there is only one God. Hence, they aren't different Gods. They are however different persons with distinct identities, will and roles. The competition would be only possible if they were different Gods which isn't what the Bible teaches. On the other hand, the competition would exist only if they have same works which isn't again Biblical understanding. They have different works or functions although they work together in a perfect harmony.

Resources used:

1) What is the Trinity? || Inspiring Philosophy || , accessed on 5/5/2024

2) The Trinity Explained || Inspiring Philosophy ||, accessed on 5/5/2024

3) Why not many Gods? Polytheism DEBUNKED in a minute | Asher John | The Carpenter’s Desk |, accessed on 5/5/2024

4) Seanmcdowell || Is Jesus dependent or independent on the Father? || Response reel || Instagram ||, accessed on 5/5/2024

[1] What Is the Trinity?, 2013,

[2] “(10) Why Not Many Gods? Polytheism DEBUNKED in a Minute | Asher John | #shorts - YouTube,” accessed May 5, 2024,

[3] “Sean McDowell on Instagram: ‘Is Jesus Dependent or Independent on the Father? The Answer Is Both. The Key Is to Have a Proper Understanding of Who Jesus Is. 1. The Bible Teaches in Colossians 1 and John 1 That God Is the Creator and Jesus Is That God. He Is the Second Person of the Trinity Who Has Existed for All Time. Then He Is Independent of the Father, Not a Dependent Creature. 2. Jesus Takes on Human Flesh and Lives among Us as a Human Being. Then He Becomes Dependent on the Father. Understanding the Incarnation Is an Important Precursor to Understanding the Question of the Trinity Here. ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ Check out Https://Seanmcdowell.Org/Books for My Books! It Will Talk about This Topic and Other Hot Button Issues in Today’s Culture! Follow Me @seanmcdowell Where I Post Biblical Discussion and Questions. . . . #apologetics #christianapologetics #evidence #evidencebased #biblefacts #biblicaltruth #christianworldview #trinity #thetrinity #threeinone #fathersonholyspirit #jesusisgod #holytrinity #orthodoxchristianity #orthodoxy #theholytrinity #biolauniversity #christiancontent #christianreels #christianity #contradiction #theologymatters #theology #wordofgod #reasonablefaith #onegod #doxology #scripture #wordmadeflesh,’” Instagram, July 27, 2023,

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