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ख्रीष्ट बारे मण्डली इतिहासका केही झूटा अवधारणाहरू Ep. 4 || Kevin Shrestha || Aradhana Platform || बिहिबार, बैशाख २७, २०८१ || बेलुका ८.१५-१०:१५


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Chapter Markers: 00:00 Host begins the session 00:04 Presentation handed over to Kevin and his short explanation on why session couldn’t be held previous week 00:35 Background on the ongoing topic and building the foundation to move further with caution 02:13 Recap: Motive behind Jesus’ prayer 06:31 What is behind the Gospel? 10:13 What is Heresy? 11:42 Explanation from some movies 12:14 Robocop vs Jesus’ Hypostatic Union 15:18 Aparichit vs Trinity 18:36 Superman vs Kenoticism 21:32 Adoptionism - Jesus was adopted by God? 24:28 Apollinarianism - Jesus' human was overshadowed by Divine mind? 27:25 Arianism - Jesus was a created lesser being? 31:33 Cerinthianism - Christ is distinct from jesus? 33:21 Docetism - Jesus was not in Human body? 35:02 Eutychianism - Jesus' finite human nature got swallowed? 36:24 Kenoticism - Jesus left out some Divine attributes? 37:35 Marcionism - Different Gods in Old and New Testament? 39:43 Monarchianism - God is only one person? 40:49 Trinity in a Nutshell 41:17 Monophysitism - Jesus had just a divine nature? 42:44 Nestorianism - Jesus was two persons? 43:33 Patripassionism - Father suffered on the cross? 46:19 Socinianism - No Trinity and a deified Jesus? 47:47 Subordinationism - Jesus and Holy Spirit subordinate to Father by essence? 48:45 Why no competition in Trinity? 52:14 Why we sing ‘Come Holy Spirit come?’ 53:17 Tritheism - Exactly Three Gods? 55:46 Host’s important closing message/remark/insight/conclusion/caution on why we must be careful about Trinity

प्रमुख टिम सम्पर्क: विजय बि.क. (Bijay B.K.) ९८००५८२८५९ (9800582859) विजय शंकर (Bijay Shankar) ९८०८०५६३५९ (9808056359) नबिन बि.क. (Nabin B.K.) ९७६८४६९२४८ (9768469248)

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