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Are we fulfilling God's Mission?


Should Christians not watch secular or even horror movies?

Are we fulfilling God’s Mission correctly?


Context: Sister Death, 2023 Horror/Mystery genre, Prequel of the movie Veronica 

[I was watching the movie with my non-Christian friends.]

Obviously, many would suggest that at church. Some reasons I‘ve heard is that such movies affect their life and faith journey keeping them far from relationship with the Lord. Well, correct but not obvious. The focus here shifts from the assurance of protection in hands of the Lord to the fear of demons’ swallowing teeth. And what’s more? The focus here is limited to merely a Christian ground! Children can get affected! But, are we even aware about our mission? Are we only supposed to establish a Christian kingdom lite and not even considering the lost souls of the world? Are we trying to become like Jews?

You know what? The secular movies or say horror movies obviously have bad tastes that can erode us. But the world watches them and get plenty of wrong information about our serious faith in case if they touch any edge of Christianity. The movies portrait our faith in a twisted way! And our church is concerned only about saving believers but not guiding or rescuing people from corrupted depiction of our faith! They began learning mother Mary as Mother of God, Queen of heaven, demons getting victory over the church, Jesus as a moral teacher, or a deity or even a myth, evangelism as a foreign plot and political agenda, Christianity as rival of science and the list goes on. While we try our best to safe guard believers from watching those movies, we are forgetting one of the greatest commandments from the Lord himself i.e. loving our neighborhoods. Why should we care them, isn’t it? And they are learning nonsense stuff about our faith from those gateways!

Lots of secular and horror movies have presented a false view of Christianity. People then think they have right understanding of the Christian faith. Meanwhile, they have been so deluded, betrayed and deceived! The blasphemous and fabricated contents in the movies then began to encode their innocent mind! But, why do our Christian community even care right? Every church is too busy setting up sects, denominations, conflicts and establishing the churches as some sorts of institutions! We have become too church-centric that we forgot to become Christ-centric! A Christ-centered believer also concerns what peoples are learning about Christianity and makes every efforts to rescue them! Where are we?

The church is very busy in demonizing and demotivating everything as if that would be a catalyst to living a holy life and add rewards in heaven. But are we forgetting our accountability? Our mission is to retake everything that the Satan had snatched away and use them back to glorify our Lord! That’s how, God’s mission and purpose of making us gets fulfilled! Extending the Edenic ideal to the whole world! The world is of God, and He made us for his glory and to co-operate him in ruling the world and extending his kingdom! But we are indeed becoming too narrow as if we are becoming spiritual!

Our modern era is more a plague, and we need to be very careful. Christian life is not merely about receiving Jesus and being saved. That’s just a beginning of our journey! Our goal is loving God and our peoples the way we love ourselves. Our mission is to extend His kingdom. Present era has polluted many Biblical concepts and our peoples are diving into them! Its our work to rescue them! Otherwise, we would be held accountable for not fulfilling our responsibility!   


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