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what's your view on age of earth and genesis 1?


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    Well the earth might be young or it might be very old! Who knows? straightforward opening the early chapter of Genesis, there we find brief details of creation where christians today pick up debates over issues like how long ago it was, where do dinosaurs fit in, what kind of days were they...blah blah blah. But nobody concerns what God was actually trying to convey! Keep in mind that Genesis wasn't written to us although it is for us. The six days creation of Genesis wasn't about science. christians today can argue on whole day whether the earth is young or old but the main point of Genesis is not about the time, not about days and not about science. The Genesis was making something important point that there is one God who is sovereign over this entire cosmos. The six days of Genesis is showing a beautiful relationship between a formless earth turning to a structured earth and empty earth getting filled with all functionaries. That was a theological point. The Genesis wasn't teaching that days were 24 hours or millions years. The Genesis was teaching a beautiful relationship God established in this creation where both places and rulers were designated by him. God was giving a form and function to the cosmos. that's all!

    Today Christians have crossed this boundary line stating the scripture is infallible and inerrant. Hence it must contain modern science! And they bring up their analysis such as Day-Age, Gap, Ideal time, expanding time, blah blah to satisfy the query of modern mind. This is totally placing the scripture in a position it never intended to be! 

    In trying such attempts they almost forgot the dangers of their assessment. For a day-ager, one need to fit in millions of years to each day which original audience didn't understand. For a Gap theory, one must assume unusual initial creation with some sort of existing world which doesn't line up with God's command of work and rest pattern. For an Ideal time, one must assume everything God made to appear mature which go straightforward contrary to General revelation and so on so on! All these attempts bear weaknesses. that's wrong way to understand Genesis... 

    I personally do believe in an old earth but I don't ask my questions contaminated by modern lens to Genesis. I believe in respecting its original context. We should all. whether you are a young or old, your pivotal concern should be God's sovereignty over his creation and how beautifully he designed it. other issues are matter of independent examinations. however its not an issue to get extremely divided. Just leave Genesis alone and let it convey its theological messages. All other arguments and query are of leisure discussion.

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