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Is Young Earth Interpretation only the Valid View?

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Never. Meanwhile, YEC is one of the valid views of Genesis, there are some problems for YEC: 

1. If plain text reading is the only authenticated method of the Bible study then nobody can ever reach in-depth of the Bible but remain satisfied within the floatation interpretation. In this way, the question "Where did Jesus say He is God and worship me?" is a valid question!

2. If the Bible is written in a way that every generations of people from worldwide civilization can easily understand then why need of sermons, Bible college, Sunday schools?

3. The focus of YEC is nothing different from the event at garden of Eden i.e. serpent tempted Eve for a forbidden tree that wasn't a real concern for God and they lost their fellowship with him.

4. Always making bold claims that science should be re-interpreted must be revised. Even the Bible needs to be revised if we really misunderstood it. The revision is not about its revelation but the explanation in the right context, purpose, concern and motive.

5. YEC's fatal argument indeed proves evolution! If all carnivores and predators got the terrific forms due to sin, then wouldn't Adam and Eve had also got severe changed? They did it first not the rest creatures! So, isn't the evolution (modern language) then true for Adam and Eve (after effect of sin)?

One can hold to YEC position and this doesn't make anyone heretic but be sure not to be dogmatic!

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