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There has been many healing events in Sachai kendra in Jesus' name. How can it be counted as cult?



First and foremost, it is necessary to acknowledge that ‘Healing’ isn't Cornerstone of our faith. By no means it is a way to measure our spirituality and personal relationship with God.[1] It isn't the necessity for believing Jesus either.

Second, healing does occur even today.[2] But it is not a paramount to our faith. If any person comes to Jesus just for sake of healing, s/he hasn't really understood the necessity, essence and purpose of following Jesus at all. Anyone who just comes to Jesus for sake of healing, will also turn his back to Jesus for sake of healing. We aren't against healing but it isn't the concern that we come to Jesus.

Third, Sachai kendra is a compromising movement with ideology akin to New Age flavor embedded in its blood.[3] Just because they use Jesus' name doesn't lead to conclusion that they are Christians. This is slippery slope and association fallacy. Jesus is indeed one of the most influenced persons in this world from whom many non-Christians have been inspired like Ambedkar, Gandhi, Vivekananda, etc.

Fourth, Sachai kendra is marketing healing as a business which is totally absurd and insane. remember what Jesus warned: not all who calm him lord shall be part of heavenly kingdom and not all who did wonderful deeds in his name shall be his own people (Matt. 7:21-23). This is a deep serious warning. So, Jesus himself mentioned that there would be people who would be doing great deeds in his name and yet he shall reject or deny them in day of judgement. Many apologetics ministries seem to expose miracles as fake but that might not be case. However, even if the miracles are real, we don't get clue regarding their motive and goal.

Fifth, healing can be sometimes necessary. Many people have come to Jesus due to healing.[4] But it isn't necessity of following Jesus. Healing can occur with scientific methods, mystic powers, balanced diet, psychological treatment or other ways. What Jesus offers is God himself to us. nothing can offer this to us. When we make healing our core concern then we are committing idolatry because it is healing that we need and for its achievement we followed Jesus. This is sad.

Finally, healing isn't to be avoided and if it happens then let God be credited and glorified. He still heals people. But marketing healing is blunder and shameful act. Sachai kendra is one of such movements that has been misusing name of Jesus for healing and compromising Biblical identification of what it means to be a Christian. Yes, there are many followers of Sachai but Lord needs a true disciple who lives according to his will rather than massive quantity of people who followed him for sake of gain. These people will certainly abandon him for not gaining what they need. This is extremely serious issue.

Hence, Sachai Kendra is counted as a cult movement because of their fragile beliefs about fundamental Christian faith. Despite healing activities, which is merely a peripheral part of Christian faith, they are pushing mass number of people in a wrong direction. They are offering healing rather than a Savior.


[1] के दशांश नदिनु भनेको त परमेश्वरलाई लुट्नु हो ?  पाप गर्नु हो ? Face_up Simiyon with PA Thomas, 2022, accessed July 27, 2022,

[2] Raj Richard, “Reasoned Musings: Prayers In The Name Of Jesus Still Works! (Modern Miracles),” Reasoned Musings, April 25, 2020, accessed November 11, 2022,

[3] Sacchai Kendra Nepal Is Not Christian Community I Proved I Nepali Christian Message I Mandali TV, 2022, accessed December 17, 2022,

[4] Prakash Upadhyay, “Restructuring Spiritualism in New Life: Conversion to Christianity in Pokhara, Nepal,” Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9, no. 1 (December 31, 2020): 135–147, accessed December 17, 2022,

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