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Apologists are inspiration for us and not idols. We don't glorify them but God who brought great defenders throughout long journey of church establishment.


    There were many in the past and many in this present era dedicated to either general or specific fields. They dedicate their life in this ministry as a responsible call and career. Becoming an apologist isn't an easy work. One need to have sound theological foundation along with supporting the cases with history, archaeology, science, philosophy and so on. It needs time to navigate the Bible, to study different resources and to explore in depth. Hence, apologists have always given their precious time to defend our faith.

    Defending faith is our core responsibility. It isn't given to angels but us. We may not need title such as "apologist" but we need the core concern and work as a serious responsibility. We don't have excuse. God doesn't call us to believe blindly.

    The book has presented short biographies of 125 apologists from Jesus to present era. The work has been divided to 25 writers representing 7 provinces and everyone has done their best effort to formulate this book. Special gratitude goes to Nepali apologist Kamal Adhikari for his concern, passion, dedication and sacrifices.

    We can learn a lot from this book. We can learn how various apologists have dedicated themselves to defend Christian faith intellectually. As I said earlier, they aren't idols for us but only inspiration. We don't just clap but realize our responsibility.

    In our modern time, we still have great challenges. We are surrounded by different cults, religions, philosophies, science and false history that has tremendously affected faith of young generations. sometimes hyper spirituality cannot work. Christians, who have been heavily fragmented into varieties of denominations, still have fundamental beliefs in common which they all have to defend against the flow of oppositions. We are called to be one church, one family despite of differences. Hence, this book can enlighten us and encourage us. We are here for certain reasons to accomplish.

    Finally, we are thankful to the team and their sincere dedication. Nepali Christendom really needs such information that can be a fuel to sustain faith and get encouragement to defend the faith against all opposition.


Price: Rs. 220 /-

Pages: 248

Total time frame of completion: 11 months

Link to the First Book: Here!

Link to the Second Book: Here!

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