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Recommended Book Review: A Christian Physicist Examines the Big Bang Theory, Steven Ball, Ph.D.


    A typical trending in Nepal is mockery, abusive behavior, poisoning the well, strawman and ad hominem approach against the fields where science seems disagreeing with the scripture. The Big Bang is one of the lists immediately after evolutionary debates. The rejection of the Big Bang in Nepali context seems impact of atheism. The Big Bang made an impression as if the universe came out of nothing. Next, the vast age is another issue most Christians reject the Big Bang. It demands a vast time period of 13.8 billion years which is a straightforward contradiction to a traditional biblical timeline of six thousand years. Another issue addressed is the fine tuning of this universe and Christians here usually think that a big explosion can never lead to systematic universe that we can observe today.[1] In addition, the Big Bang is correlated with evolutionary theory as well. For these few reasons we can typically hear from Christian circle, the Big Bang is hence categorized under "ungodly" label.

    Genesis 1 is seriously taken in Christendom and the focus has always been more on timeline of creation i.e. 6 days. This makes the Big Bang kicked out of the church even before letting this theory speak what it actually says. Is this theory just a theory? Is this unbiblical approach to explain origin of universe? Or should we reconsider this theory with a cool and open mind? The saddest thing is many learned Christians are misrepresenting the Big Bang and its conclusion.

    This is a small booklet published in September, 2003. It is obviously correct to assume that new discoveries can replace the old conclusion. We are in 2022 and soon we shall enter in 2023. The exploration of this universe is ongoing. Saying that science undergoes evolution or updates, doesn't necessarily demean the old explorations. The book indeed gives an excellent framework and lens on how we should consider the Big Bang cosmology.

    The author of this small booklet has been very careful in his analysis. This is the second work of his after the assessment on "age of the earth". In his first book, he provides a number of evidences ranging from earth’s geology to cosmology regarding age of universe and earth as approximately 14 billion years and 4.6 billion respectively. His conclusion is obviously bitter for many Christians but he also provides a great premise to rethink on these issues.

    In his booklet, he discusses how Big Bang isn't a real problem for Christian community. The Big Bang affirms the beginning of the universe having the cause beyond the universe itself. It isn't ethical to critic anything in favour of the Bible just because they contradict. It isn't ethical to misrepresent anything to exalt Bible. Both General and Special revelations are from God. However, interpretation can obviously affect and many scientists have brought bizarre explanations such as infinite number of universes. Science is hence rejected as rival but science is really a strong ally of the faith.

    The Big Bang was a big problem even for science community which led to a mysterious and undesirable question: how did it all happen? The Big Bang concluded the universe actually has beginning despite all endeavour from scientific community to formulate different competing theories against need of creator. The Big Bang survives today because of its evidence but sadly Christians are considering it to be a demonic theory. In order to allow science to work successfully we must be willing to allow the evidence to guide us, to correct us and to test our ideas. We obviously prefer Genesis 1:1 but the Bible doesn't explicitly explain the phenomena except revealing who was behind this marvelous universe. The Big Bang is actually a phenomenon and not a theology.

    Our universe obeys certain laws and principles. Therefore, the evidence must be examined in light of these laws and principles. When several independent sources arrive at similar answer, it increases the measure of confidence. Good science needs both measure of self-consistency and consistency with other independent and yet equally valid methods.  

    Whether or not Christians should accept the Big Bang is up to their choice but abusing the theory with hyper-literal reading of Genesis 1 needs reconsideration. We aren't changing God's word but we are changing our stance whether we were at appropriate interpretation of Genesis or not. If Christians think the Big Bang as rival theory, they need to understand that the name itself was given as a mocking gesture by astrophysicist Fred Hoyle who believed in a steady state theory i.e. universe had no beginning. Even a number of scientists have considered the theory as philosophically untenable. The reason was simply that the beginning of the universe demands the answer from outside the realm of science.

    Einstein himself didn’t expect his theory concluding a universe that has a beginning. He did the greatest blunder in his life by compromising his equation to meet the then philosophical idea of an eternal universe or static universe. The universal expansion isn’t an ordinary expansion where matters are overthrown within a measurable space and time. The Big Bang involved expansion of all three elements: space, time and matter. Thus, a beginning demands a beginner who isn’t confined to the universe and the laws governing it. The author provides reasonable and credible evidences in favour of the Big Bang as a good science. He also responds to several objections raised against this theory such as ‘Uniformity problem’, ‘Flatness problem’, ‘Missing Mass problem’, ‘Age problem’ and so on.    

    In regard to Genesis, the emphasize of the book was the earth and heaven whereas the Big Bang focuses on entire universe. For this reason, it is difficult to use Genesis account to check the Big Bang. The six days account of Genesis was connected with the understanding of an ancient near east mind and the then theology rather than any science. Therefore, the debate concerning the days of creation might not help us in field of science.  

    Despite some concordist approach, this author attempts to demonstrate how the Big Bang really isn't ungodly as we have been taught. Simply think this: if we believe that Bible teaches Universe has a beginning, universe is fine-tuned, universe shows marvelous work of God then should we not consider scientific reinforcement? The Big Bang shows why the Big Bang itself is marvelous. The beginning of space, time and matter requires a transcendental beginner. No matter how much theories science community bring forth to resist need of God, the philosophical stance can be used to show how the Big Bang really appeals to the need of a creator.

[1] Dr Brian J. Bailey, Genesis (Zion Christian Publishers, 2014).

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