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Reaching Current Generation: An Analytical Insight on Simply Faith - S01E01


An Analytical Insight on Simply Faith - S01E01

Reaching Current Generation

Christian Mic Nepal You Tube Channel


    Two friends Kiran K.C. and Avishek Char have made this interactive short video on 1st August, 2022. The casual talk began from a T-shirt with embedded name ‘YHWH’ on it along with its Hebrew letters. They were not only advertising the T-shirt but also drawing tangent to one of the best methods in our generation for evangelism. The evangelistic concept they discussed was relevant and effective in our generation to reach heathen world. They were giving an encouraging suggestion to modern Christians to take an initiative. The video was worth watching with its encouraging and casual framework.

We wish to present several elements we spot lighted from this video:

  • T-Shirt, with name of God embedded, as an effective means for evangelism
  • A good way to demonstrate our faith
  • Let people ask themselves about our faith
  • We open a way to Gospel by a small initiative
  • Direct interaction can be challenging but we make an environment where they become curious
  • Creative way of evangelism
  • An impact on non-believers, a tracing in their mind that can make them to research and explore
  • Sharing tracts isn’t just one way. Our world has become digital and need to utilize this platform for evangelism.
  • We must learn to reach youth generation according to their interest
  • The message is only one but approaches can differ
  • God chooses what we go through; we choose how we go through it.

What are steps the current Christian generation need to take?

  • Never abuse other religious or non-religious environment and their belief
  • Never think street evangelism is the only way to share the Gospel[1]
  • Know your friends and environment. Plan how you can best reach to them with Gospel.
  • Try to change feverish mentality of our traditional society.[2] Remember we are responsible for what impact we make and how.
  • Keep in mind that our friends always have issues of life. They have questions about life, emptiness of life and are always broken inside. We are handed a true hope to share with them.[3]
  • We need to share the free gift of salvation. We need to enroll in our friend circle being insane like a dove and clever like snake. We need to learn to be light and salt for them. Let glory of God shine in their life.
  • Try to invite your friends in your prayer groups, church service or youth fellowship. Avoid forcing if they willingly reject it but keep praying for them.
  • We must be filled and prepared first to fill others. We must first equip ourselves to reach the heathen world and address the water of life, saving knowledge and redeemer to them.

    It is glad to know how our young generation is taking such creative initiation for evangelism and fulfilling their personal call. Every Christians must learn to use creative mind to enhance kingdom of God.[4] God has granted enough resources and provision in his divine sovereignty. It is our responsibility assigned by God to utilize them for his glory. We must keep gardening and rest is God’s work. We really appreciate work of our brothers in Christ! God bless them and use them to encourage young generation of our country!  

[1] जवानहरूलाई उत्साह होकी निरुत्साह ?,” Being a Christian Thinker, n.d., accessed August 2, 2022,

[2] के को प्रलोभन ?,” n.d., accessed August 2, 2022,

[3] “You Know? Jesus Is True Treasure of Our Life!,” Being a Christian Thinker, n.d., accessed August 2, 2022,

[4] प्रभुबाट बोलावट पाइसकेकालाई उहाँले नै तालिम दिनुहुन्छ,” Being a Christian Thinker, n.d., accessed August 2, 2022,

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