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Learn how to interact with other worldviews


P.S. This article is supposed to be relevant for another blog. However, the article has been prepared only with general presentation and hence included in this blog. This article is actually a reinforcement to a Nepali blog article published at July 11, 2022. The article has been peer reviewed from concerned areas. It is only a general guideline and readers are requested to study in depth for effective evangelism.


There has been a trend of disrespecting and abusing other religions by Christians of any denominations. They often quote someone's quotation that “If the truth offends, then let it offend. People have been living their whole lives in offense to God; let them be offended for a while.”[1] However, the application of this proclamation differs according to the context of our surrounding environment and the way we interact with people. Truth, by its very nature, is exclusive and naturally offends!

First, they should never be treated like enemies. This can help in bridging the gap. This can help us in reaching them with our Gospel. They are also seeking for liberation, moksha and Nirvana. They are also tired with life and seeking the meaning and purpose of life. They are just not getting correct road to walk in their journey of life. Calling their deity as demons, idols and hating their rituals create barrier in relationship and the Gospel itself. Does this mean that we need to compromise and also please their belief system and partake with their rituals? Absolutely not! However, there are healthy ways we can use to reach them. Sometimes, offense is necessary while other times wiser approach is necessary. Our aim is to share them the Gospel and not to offend them immediately and instantly. Yes, truth offends but there is healthy way of offence. But nowadays there is high trend of being abusive. For instance, if a management student says a science student that they are psycho by reading science, how offend a science student feel? I am giving a real example from our context! There is need of bridging the wide gap so that the mutual understanding can develop at first. Without science, management students cannot work because all equipment are product of scientific mind but without management, science students cannot work in projects since it needs monetary transaction to carry out projects! Mostly non-Christians hate attending to church or hearing the Gospel because of abusive behavior from Christians although they have no intention to offend. But it has been a tradition in churches to disrespect other religions either by calling them demonic, idols worshippers or hating them for their rituals. Despite the exposition of hidden foundation beneath, this isn't a healthy way of approach!

Second, modern Christians must also learn good elements from neighborhood religions as well. Modern Christianity has made its way to a liberal environment. The church is ought to impact the world but just opposite is happening. Christians are intending to show the world that they are nothing more different than the people of this world. Current flow is on compromising rather than absolute change.[2]


1. Muslim: Their piety towards Allah and seriousness in submission and keeping his commandments are praiseworthy. These areas are ought to vibrate more in our circle but we are getting liberalist nowadays. They are supposed to learn from us that these are vital for relationship with God but cannot account for salvation. We need to make them realize that salvation is from God's grace and through faith on Jesus of Gospel.


2. Hindu: Christian theology has been developed and influenced by the west. Western world doesn’t comprehend Eastern philosophy. Their analysis is weaker. In Hinduism, many have high and respectful view of God.

Pantheism, although a false worldview, is actually seeing God everywhere. Its somehow like loving neighborhood as we love ourselves. There is no need of envy, aggression, greed, violence or anything since they see everything as god.

Polytheism is worshipping various deities according to works, desires, seasons, passions, etc. In Nepal, general Hindus are in this lane. They worship goddess Sarasvati for education, goddess Laxmi for wealth, Hanuman when caught with fear and so on.

Henotheism is another common system of attaching to one particular god as priority in life. This might be Vaishnava, Shaiva, Shakti, etc. Other form can be Monolatry system in which only one deity is considered to be worthy of worship. Some do not have any passion of worshipping deities but prefer a Hedonistic life. They can simply consider themselves as atheist Hindu or agnostic Hindu.

Hence, we need to know which system of faith our relatives and friends are subscribing. We need to reach their state of heart to understand their thinking of life. Usually they are entangled with questions about life, death, moksha, survival, struggle, suffering and meaning of life.

Read the Bhagavad Gita chapter 11 how Arjuna bows down to Krishna and expresses his apology for not knowing him correctly and delights in his glorious form and trembles in his mighty power. Jesus is historical God-Man person who emptied himself for our sake! Phil. 2:5-11 Says His name has been so uplifted that everybody shall bow down to him. How much high view we need to see Jesus as King, as God, as friend, as brother and as everlasting Father? How much delightful we should be in his presence in our life? How much we need to fear him because of his mightiness? If a Hindu has such an intimate relationship with Krishna whose existence is not taken as vital even in Hinduism itself[3] then how much worth is our personal level relationship with Jesus should be? Jesus is redeemer himself but Krishna is directing the way of redemption.[4] In Jesus, divine and human meets but Krishna gives philosophy of life to reach oneness with Brahman. Jesus calls us to trust him, to follow him and to live with him. Krishna calls to follow his teaching and directions.[5] The true hope weighs more towards Jesus and Hindus need him.

Many Hindus have seriousness towards sin or bad karma. Hindus know the value and worth of moksha and misery of sin. This is why they perform rituals, pilgrimage, hospitality, etc. to earn moksha. They are in misery maze of reincarnation. They need to know Jesus has earned salvation for humanity. They need to know God has put his wrath and our guilt upon Jesus to grant us his righteousness. In Jesus we have immortality. He came as light, life and way for us. Hindus are looking for the light, path, and immortality.  


3. Buddhist: They add disciplinary suffering to eliminate worldly suffering from life. We too have suffering but sustained by peace found in Jesus. They don't have peace.

They try to escape or avoid selfish desires. This is great since we are also ought to give up our selfish desires and desire God. But they desire to not to desire. Hence, they are lacking purpose of desire.

They have Goal towards self-nothingness/Nirvana. But that's ultimately their destination whereas for us its self-denial and depending upon God for life. Their nirvana is hopeless end of life journey which is indeed not intended purpose of life desired by God. We must correct them.

They are serious towards keeping instruction to live a good moral life. Like Jews they have many laws to keep and failure in anyone makes them failure in attainment of nirvana.[6] Even to become a monk they need to acquire good status of physical condition.[7] For us, keeping commandment isn't associated with justification but relationship with God. We have to show them how they are in a hopeless travel of life. Only Jesus can redeem them.


4. Jain: They have a disciplined and violence less life and don't count worldly pleasure. They think beyond the world about life philosophy. Their life teaches us how one’s faith effects his actions.[8]  We are ought to avoid worldly pleasure and focus our mind on things above earth. We are supposed to live a disciplined life in relationship with God. Hence, we need to learn from Jains and reach them with true hope in Jesus.

Despite their emphasis on significance of human existentialism[9], they need to realize rationality of believing in God who is distinct from his creation by bridging the gap. They also have fear of cycles of birth-death and they’ve formulated doctrine that god is none other than the one who has attained moksha.

Hence, we need to reach them to point of realization about distinction between God and creation along with the reason for human misery in this world. Only Jesus can take away their fear of birth-death cycle and delusion that god is none other than moksha attaining individuals.  


5. Sikhs: They have a high respect towards a teacher/guru. They respect the scripture in level of god i.e. they regard their scripture as equal with God. The primary focus was on the reconciliation and tolerance.[10] The teaching of Nanak was more on spiritual union with God that leads to salvation rather than heaven or hell as final destination.[11]

Their respect towards the scripture is praiseworthy and the scripture is obviously the bench mark, the marginal line, the code of conduct and direction for every religion but they aren’t God. This is purely idolatry just as Biblicism in modern generation Christianity. We are ought to learn about God and our relationship from the scripture and live a life of walk in relationship with God. Scripture isn’t given to cage God within the written words but to introduce God in our life. This is like engineering code for building construction. Everything is carried our based on the code but the concept and application isn’t limited to the printed letters of the code.

Next, their focus on reconciliation and unity is credible. Modern fragmented Christian sects and denominations must learn from them. However, the context of unity doesn’t work on theme of religions but it is highly expected that we must make an environment of mutual understanding and tolerance.

Nanak’s teaching on union of God is appreciable but Sikhs need to know that Jesus has already done our reconciliation and union back to God and he is inviting everyone to accept this offer of becoming God’s children.    

     There is no intention to mean that we are worst and failure but to show that there are some good aspects even in other religion that we can learn from them. Using certain common grounds, we can bridge the gap and introduce them the saving knowledge of God. There are things that we can learn from them and we can take healthy approach towards them.



Samples, Kenneth Richard. God among Sages: Why Jesus Is Not Just Another Religious Leader. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 2017. Accessed May 31, 2022.

Sharma, Rev. Dr. Balkrishna. Major Religions of the World: A Nepali Perspective. Kathmandu: ITEEN in partnership with OM Nepal, 2015.

Zacharias, Ravi K. New Birth or Rebirth?: Jesus Talks with Krishna. Colorado Springs, Colo.: Multnomah Books, 2008. Accessed May 31, 2022.

“From Buddha to Jesus: An Insider’s View of Buddhism and Christianity | Steve Cioccolanti | Download.” Accessed June 8, 2022.

“Monergism - "If the Truth Offends, Then Let It Offend. People Have...” Accessed August 4, 2022.

के दशांश नदिनु भनेको त परमेश्वरलाई लुट्नु हो ?  पाप गर्नु हो ? Face_up Simiyon with PA Thomas, 2022. Accessed July 27, 2022.



[1] “Monergism - "If the Truth Offends, Then Let It Offend. People Have...,” accessed August 4, 2022,

[2] के दशांश नदिनु भनेको त परमेश्वरलाई लुट्नु हो ?  पाप गर्नु हो ? Face_up Simiyon with PA Thomas, 2022, accessed July 27, 2022,

[3] Kenneth Richard Samples, God among Sages: Why Jesus Is Not Just Another Religious Leader (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 2017), 86, accessed May 31, 2022,

[4] Ravi K Zacharias, New Birth or Rebirth?: Jesus Talks with Krishna (Colorado Springs, Colo.: Multnomah Books, 2008), 74, accessed May 31, 2022,

[5] Ibid., 97.

[6] “From Buddha to Jesus: An Insider’s View of Buddhism and Christianity | Steve Cioccolanti | Download,” 43–44, accessed June 8, 2022,

[7] Ibid., 48–49.

[8] Rev. Dr. Balkrishna Sharma, Major Religions of the World: A Nepali Perspective (Kathmandu: ITEEN in partnership with OM Nepal, 2015), 124.

[9] Ibid., 125.

[10] Ibid.

[11] Ibid., 145.

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