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Paradox: When Christians loses, the world loses; when Christians wins, the world wins



    In any competition, war or debate, the victory of one person or team isn't the victory of the other. Christian life is also a life of warfare (Eph. 6:10-18) in midst of competitive environment where varieties of worldviews exist. But, defeat of Christianity is also the defeat of the world while victory of Christianity is indeed the victory of world. Does it sound like paradoxical?

    Simply to put, Christians are commanded to circulate the Gospel around the world to introduce Christ as the one and only Saviour (Matt. 28:19-20). However, sharing the Gospel isn't that easy responsibility. Not all people are open-minded to hear the Gospel and accept it. Christians try best to accomplish their serious responsibility of sharing the Gospel regardless of any approaches[i] but there is a great deal and challenge to convince people that their message is true.

    Some accept the Gospel while others strongly oppose the Gospel. People usually tend to oppose and debate on behalf of their worldviews. So, either a Christian win or lose in convicting others. When they lose, this is actually a great loss for people since they are rejecting the Gospel which leads them to salvation. But when a Christian win, this is a great victory of people because they received the Gospel and have an ultimate privilege and assurance of an eternal life.

    In modern era, criticism has been growing with various movements against Christianity. People oppose it for sake of their culture and worldview. They bring up various conspiracy, criticism and cases to demean Christians. Usually they use ad hominem or poisoning the well so that general citizens wouldn’t accept their message. They think that they can win Christians using those tactics. But they are making their way to a heavy loss. They are actually trying best to reject savior. They are rejecting the offer from God of freely given salvation! Simply ask any religious society such as Hindu, Buddhist or Muslims regarding the cost of salvation, moksha or nirvana.

    Those whom Christians successfully bring to the saving knowledge of God are actually sharing the victory with them. It seems for third party people as if they lost and had to accept the Gospel. There is mass criticism against the conversion and serious tension in this case for some religious thinkers and activists. They usually worry that general people are losing themselves and converting under certain conditions. However, behind the scene, Christians are indeed sharing the victory with them!

    It is therefore the defeat of Christian is the defeat for the people while the victory of Christians is victory of the people. The Gospel is actually the defeat of the ruler and god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). The Gospel is actually an ultimate victory for the lost souls. The salvation has been earned and granted freely to humanity. There are two choice granted to humanity: either to choose life that God has granted freely in his grace or to choose independence from God and have an eternal separation from God.[ii]

    To remind ourselves, our ultimate war is against the evil empire indeed and not humanity as Ephesians 6:12 puts it. On the other hand, those who accepts Jesus as savior and son of God, they are enjoying the victorious life indeed (1 John 5:4-5)!

[i] “Reaching Current Generation: An Analytical Insight on Simply Faith - S01E01,” Being a Christian Thinker, n.d., accessed August 8, 2022,

[ii] Does God Send People to Hell?, 2018, accessed July 3, 2022,

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