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Answering Criticism Against Jesus' divinity: Part 1


The criticism against Jesus’ divinity has always been a common trending in our world. Our neighborhood faiths have always brought up many challenging questions to demean Jesus’ divinity. The fresh believers in Christ might find them trigger because they have not yet received doctrinal education. It is a responsibility of the church to manage time and provide such important education so that they can understand the so-called paradoxical statements about Jesus in the New Testament. It isn’t associated just with apologetics but the entire devotional life and relationship with God.

As James White says;

True Christian worship is founded upon Christian truth. We have to have knowledge of our God to worship Him correctly. If we have defective knowledge, or worse, if we have wrong information and have been deceived, our worship is either lessened (due to simple ignorance), or it is completely invalid, as the worship of idols and false gods.[i]

Basically, all sorts of paradoxical or contrary statements about Jesus’ divinity and humanity might be vanished if we carefully navigate through the following fundamental parameters:

  • The Doctrine of Trinity
  • The Doctrine of Kenosis of Jesus
  • The Doctrine of Incarnation
  • The Mission of Jesus on the Earth
  • The Hypostatic Union of Jesus
  • The Jewish cultural context

These parameters can perhaps help us to understand all sorts of contradictions in the New Testament regarding divinity of Jesus and his relationship with Father.

Criticism 1:

The main post has been copied and presented here as it is.

30 questions according to bible 📖 jesus is not God, Jesus never said jesus is God with christ words

(1) If Jesus was GOD, then why Mark 15:34 says "And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice; "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me"

Response: The question assumes Jesus as God from a Unitarian perspective. The Trinity at the first defense plays a vital role to remove obstacle. All three persons are God. Hence, it is not unusual for Jesus to call Father as God. In book of Hebrews, God the Father also calls Jesus ‘God’. For the second defense, the miserable context has been ignored. Jesus in human form was suffering a great separation from Father for the first time. In Trinity, all three persons are eternally in a union. They are inseparable. At the time of crucifixion, Jesus was taking sins, guilt and burden of humanity upon himself to reconcile us back to God-head. The task wasn’t easy but Jesus had to be made sin for us so that his righteousness shall be granted to us.[ii] The third defense involves predetermined prophecy from Psalms 22. It was a predestined prophecy about Messiah. Rather than this being a shout of confusion, or uncertainty, what Jesus says here is a reminder of what is happening, and why.[iii]

(2) If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 8:28 Jesus said "I do nothing of myself"Can't GOD do anything he wills

Response: The Mission of Jesus needs to be reminded at the first place. He didn’t come here to rule and to be served (John 18:36 and Matthew 20:28). Next, God can do anything that he wills. That’s why He chose to grant saving grace and redeem sinners so that they may put their trust upon Jesus and reinstate in the intended relationship with God-head! Furthermore, Phil. 2:5-11 makes it clear that Jesus humbled himself to accomplish sovereign redemptive plan of God. Jesus willingly submitted himself to God the Father. Jesus was the first man to accept complete rule of Father in his life.[iv] It is therefore concerned with office/function and not the nature.

(3) If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 14:28 Jesus said "My Father (GOD) is greater than I"

Response: It deals with Jesus’ subordination role as a person (Hebrew 2:9 & Phil. 2:5-11). In essence, He is co-equal with Father. He was simply acknowledging that He was also a man, and as a man, He was subject to the laws of God so that He might redeem those who were under the law, namely, sinners (Gal. 4:4-5).[v] The Gospel of John makes this clear all throughout.

(4) If Jesus was GOD, then why in Luke 23:46 Jesus said "Father (GOD), into thy hands I commend my spirit" or is Jesus a Baby-God

Response: What concept is that ‘Baby-God’ at the first place? Why are they even reading in between the lines? The Father and Son are relational terms so that human beings can understand. Jesus said it while he was giving up his spirit. He died as a man to atone for the sin on behalf of humanity. As a man, he also suffered in all ways like us (Hebrew 4:15). Jesus, the person, claimed the attributes of both humanity and divinity. He spoke of being distressed (Luke 12:50), that he was with the disciples (John 7:33), and that he was thirsty (John 19:28). These are human characteristics. But he also spoke that he had glory with God the Father before the foundation of the world (John 17:5) and that he had descended from heaven (John 3:13). These are divine characteristics.[vi]

(5) If Jesus was GOD, then why in Mark 10:18 Jesus said “And Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.”?

Response: Just simply to put, he is giving the rich man a sense and realization that no mere man apart from God can be truly good on his own works.[vii] The rich man was calling him God because God alone is Good. Jesus never denied his divinity at that phase. Indeed, Jesus has said elsewhere he is a Good shepherd (John 10:11)!

(6) Also in Luke 18:19 Jesus said only GOD Almighty is Good: "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone."

Response: See objection no. 5

(7) If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 20:17 Jesus said "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.' "

Response: The term Jesus uses here is haptou, which implies a close, clutching action. Later, Jesus will invite others to physically touch Him (John 20:27). So, His meaning here does not seem to be that Mary should not contact Him, at all. It more likely means that she is not to stay there, or keep clinging to Him, but that she needs to go and tell the disciples what she has seen.[viii] He refers to the disciples as "brothers," reinforcing the idea of salvation as a spiritual adoption by God (Hebrews 2:11–18). Referring to the Father as both "[His] God and [their] God" also echoes the same idea.[ix]

(8)If Jesus was GOD, then how comes his own disciples in Matthew 16: 13-14 only knew him as one of the Prophets.

Response: Vs. 13 makes it clear at first place that Jesus was asking what people has to say about him. Vs. 14 simply is reported remarks by his disciples. The few verse that follows immediately makes it clear how God himself inspired Peter to acknowledge the truth (Vs. 16-17). The disciples' response suggests the people who closely followed Him believed Jesus to be a powerful prophet of God. They saw in Him the fulfillment of prophecy. It's unclear what form, exactly, any of these separate groups expected the Messiah to take. The general assumption, in that era, was that Messiah would be a conquering warrior or political leader. Perhaps some thought the Messiah would be a prophet or would come to power after the return of the prophets. Very few, however, understood Jesus in the way Peter's view implies (Matthew 16:16).[x]

(9) If Jesus was God how comes he was seen sleeping in Matthew 8:24 yet God never sleep as reported in Psalms 121:4.

Response: Psalms 91:4 also states ‘He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.’ (NIV). So, is God a giant bird? Continuing the encouragement of the prior verse (Psalm 121:3), the second voice of this psalm assures the first speaker that God is never caught unaware. God is perfectly aware of all that happens or will happen. At all times He watches over His people and is their Guardian.[xi] Jesus, in his incarnated phase, was a true human subjected to all sorts of humanistic limitations.  

(9) If Jesus was God who forgives sins then how comes when we was wronged in Luke 23:34 he said that Father forgive them since they don't know what they are doing.

Response: This event is associated with atonement and justification. Jesus was atoning on behalf of sinful humanity so that God the Father forgives humanity and starts a new fresh relationship.

(10) If Jesus was GOD , then why in John 17:3 Jesus said that eternal life is believing in one God and believing in Jesus Christ who was sent by God.

Response: The Greek term for "know" used here implies a deep level of intimacy. Though we are saved only by grace through faith, not by actions (Ephesians 2:8), saving faith is more than intellectual agreement (James 2:19). The gospel of John routinely uses the verb form of the Greek pisteuō, translated as "believe," in connection with this thought. Saving faith is not passive, temporary, or mechanical. It is trusting, active, and engaged (Hebrews 11:6; John 14:15). The connection between God and a true believer is profound, rooted in an ever-closer connection. Those who refuse to know God will not be saved by Him (John 8:55–59).[xii]

(11) If Jesus was GOD, then why in Acts 2:22 it is stated that Jesus was a mere man from Nazareth and all miracles and wonders were made by God through him.

Response: That doesn’t demean Jesus’ divinity! Jesus was simply submitting himself to God’s will and his rule. Jesus was doing God’s will and God was acting through his Son (2 Cor. 5:19).

(12) If Jesus was GOD, how comes in Hebrew 2:9 he was just made a little lower than angels. Can God the creator of the universe be lower than his creation.

Response: Its again about Jesus’ humbleness! Satan boasted and rejected God’s rule. Adam and Eve were made fail to choose independence from God. Jesus was the first Man who freely chose to submit oneself to God’s perfect rule! The second tail question assumes the concern of the text as God’s static nature which is simply false. God the Son was made a little lower and he will be returning with his great glory in future!

(13). If Jesus was GOD, how comes in Luke 22:43, he was strengthen by angels, Can God be strengthened by his creatures, how can God be this weak.

Response: This happens when we only take Jesus as God and not as Human. Jesus was true human as well!

(14) If Jesus was GOD, then why in Luke 4:8, he said that it is written that worship and serve only God. How come he did not say that worship only me but made reference to God.

Response: Watch out! Who Jesus was telling this, where and when! It was the temptation of Jesus just as Adam and Eve had! Jesus had to resist the temptation on behalf of humanity! Adam and Eve failed since they desired more other things than God but Jesus reversed the mistake by desiring worship of God!

(15) If Jesus was God, how comes in Revelation 1:1 it is reported that this is the revelation of Jesus which God gave him yet he (Jesus) himself is God as you claim.

Response: Yes, we do claim more than that which you always resist! Trinity! Case closed!

(Please visit Part 2 for the remaining content.)

[i] “The Forgotten Trinity | James R. White | Download,” 194, accessed July 21, 2022,

[ii] “What Does Mark 15:34 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, accessed July 25, 2022,

[iii] Ibid.

[iv] “Who Is Jesus?,” NepalChurch.Com, August 30, 2019, accessed July 13, 2022,

[v] Matt Slick, “John 14:28, ‘The Father Is Greater than I.,’” Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, December 5, 2008, accessed July 25, 2022,

[vi] Matt Slick, “Examining Soul Sleep and Its Problems,” Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, October 13, 2018, accessed July 25, 2022,

[vii] Refuting Objections to the Trinity (Part 2), 2013, accessed July 25, 2022,

[viii] “What Does John 20:17 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, 20, accessed July 25, 2022,

[ix] “What Does John 20.”

[x] “What Does Matthew 16:14 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, 16, accessed July 25, 2022,

[xi] “What Does Psalm 121:4 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, accessed July 25, 2022,

[xii] “What Does John 17:3 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, 3, accessed July 25, 2022,

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