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Answering Criticism Against Jesus' Divinity: Part 2


(16) If Jesus was God how comes in Luke 4:13 he was tempted by Satan yet in James 1:13 God cannot be tempted by evil.

Response: Again, be careful about the ongoing event! Jesus was facing the same temptation as faced by Adam and Eve. It was to confirm if Jesus was willingly accepting to be dependent on Father and his rule. He was tempted as a man. It has nothing to do with James 1:13 but it has to do with fix the things that was spoiled due to failure of Adam and Eve!

(17) If Jesus was God, then how comes in Luke 2:21 he was circumcised . Do you really want us to believe that God was circumcised, do you believe that the man who circumcised Jesus was holding God by his penis !!!. Isn't this the greatest blasphemy.

Response: Your crazy thought is indeed pitiful! He was born in a Jewish family and he was following the Jewish culture! Jesus' upbringing was faithful to God's instructions as given to Israel in the Old Testament. That included circumcision (Leviticus 12:3). At this ceremony, it was traditional for male children to be "officially" given their name.[i] As a religious rite, circumcision was required of all of Abraham’s descendants as a sign of the covenant God made with him (Genesis 17:9–14; Acts 7:8). The Mosaic Law repeated the requirement (Leviticus 12:2–3), and Jews throughout the centuries have continued to practice circumcision (Joshua 5:2–3; Luke 1:59; Acts 16:3; Philippians 3:5).[ii]

(18) If Jesus was God then how comes in Mark 11: 13, he was very ignorant that he did not know that it was a season of figs. How can God be ignorant to this level.

Response: While it is not the season for figs, fig trees would produce small, edible buds before beginning to grow actual figs. A tree that doesn't grow those buds won't later produce full fruit. Seeing that the tree has nothing to offer, and no anticipated harvest, Jesus denounces it. Jesus' action against the tree is a sign that God is about to judge Israel (Mark 13:1–2). The tree looks good: it is leafed out, but it produces no figs, so it is useless. The temple looks good: rebuilt by Herod the Great some fifty or sixty years before, but the religious leaders choose not to bear fruit in this season. As the fig tree is useless for providing fruit, so the Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem are useless in fulfilling their task of leading their people into a sincere worship of God and blessing the Gentiles. And so, both the tree and Jerusalem will be destroyed.[iii]

(19). If Jesus was God, then how comes in Mark 11:12 he was hungry, How can God be hungry, isn't this blasphemy to God.

Response: Just want to say, Remove your ‘Jesus as God only’ lens.

(20) If Jesus was God then how comes he said in Matthew 24:36 that he does not know the last day and hour. How can God be this ignorant and fail to know the last day of judgement.

Response: Most Christians responds it by application of Jesus’ dualistic nature and dependence on Father. Others might say, as a human, it was not his concern to reveal everything about his future coming. However, in a Jewish framework, it was associated concern with Father regarding when son would get his bride although Son also knows it. Jesus was actually explaining what the events leading up to the tribulation would be like. He was alluding his return with Jewish wedding tradition. Hence, he was just using analogy from a Jewish custom of wedding rather denying his omniscience.[iv]

(21). If Jesus is God how comes he had a tribe as stated in Revelation 5:5 that he was a Jew from the tribe of Juda. Can God have a tribe, does it make sense to you if you start treason.

Response: The elder identified Jesus in two ways. First, he identified him as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. When the patriarch Jacob blessed his sons, he called his son Judah a lion's cub and predicted that the scepter would not depart from him (Genesis 49:9–10). This prediction anticipated the arrival of a descendant of Judah who would rule as King. Revelation 5:5 also identifies this person as the Root of David, meaning the source of King David's power and kingdom. Only Jesus, David's rightful descendant and heir to the throne if Israel, was legally entitled to open the scroll and launch the judgments it contained. The wise men told King Herod that Bethlehem in the land of Judah had been prophesied to be the birthplace of a ruler who would shepherd Israel (Matthew 2:6). The prophecy was given in Micah 5:2.[v] Your tail question rather doesn’t make sense since you’ve been asking question with your whole mind focusing at ‘Jesus is Only God’ and framing mind from God’s divine perspective.   

(22) If Jesus was God then why did he say in Matthew 15:24 that he was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel. Can God be sent in the first place and can he be so tribal like this.

Response: Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus acted with a crystal-clear sense of His purpose. Eventually, all nations of earth would be blessed through Israel, in the person of Jesus, as the Son of God gave His life as the sacrifice for the sins of humanity. For that to happen, however, Jesus needs to accomplish certain things within the people of Israel. So, for now, Jesus has come to serve and heal God's chose people as the promised Messiah. Only after His own people officially reject Him will the offer be made for all to come into the family of God through faith in Christ (John 1:11–12).[vi] Your second question commits Red Herring fallacy.

(23) If Jesus was God then how comes in Luke 11:37-38, he was seen eating food, he even forgotten to wash his hands before he ate because he was very hungry. Imagine God eating food . if Jesus ate food, the end result is that the food had to be digested meaning that he visited the toilet, imagine God on a toilet !!! . let us start reasoning please.

Response: Your analysis sounds so terrible! We have no issue to imagine whatever you are requesting but we have hard time to imagine what kind of God you are imagining? Jesus is God in flesh! Furthermore, according to you, God is omnipresent. Then, isn’t he present at toilet? Suppose you are in wash room and something bad situation is happening outside. So, wouldn’t you pray inside wash room? It is God who designed your entire body system! It is God who made human beings conscious about health and sanitation! I am committing Red Herring here because I feel ashamed to respond to your silly thoughts!

(24) If Jesus was God, then how comes in John 18:22, he was slapped by one of the officers. Can God be slapped by a mere man. Jesus cannot be God.

Response: I am feeling pity on your such a low view of scripture and understanding Jesus’ purpose on earth! Your high view of God may be respected but your low view of what Jesus was doing in the world makes us feel ashamed even to answer your question!

What modern people think of as "civil rights" did not meaningfully exist in most ancient cultures. However, the basic concepts of law and order usually applied. Beating a person suspected of committing a crime has been frowned upon by most law-minded societies. While the man striking Jesus is not necessarily trying to beat a confession out of Him, his actions are not part of protocol. Either under Jewish tradition (Deuteronomy 25:1–2; John 7:51), or Roman law, what's happening here was probably illegal.

The real motivation for this assault is the pointed comment Jesus has just made. In essence, He called out the high priest for hypocrisy. He challenged His accusers to provide evidence for their allegations (John 18:20–21). Few things inspire as much rage as having one's wrongdoing exposed (John 3:19–20). Authority figures have a habit of mistaking defense for defiance, punishing underlings simply because they don't bow and scrape with enough reverence. Likewise, criticizing someone's tone is a common way to avoid responding to the substance of their argument.[vii]

(25) If Jesus was God, then how comes it is mentioned in Luke 2:40 that Jesus while still a child grew and filled with wisdom and the grace of God was with him. Which grace of God was with him if he was himself God.

Response: Jesus was God-incarnate, God in flesh!

(26) If Jesus was God, how comes that in Mark 1:35, He used to pray, which God was he praying to if he was himself God.

Response: No, Jesus wasn’t praying to any foreign god but his own Father. This shows a beautiful relationship among all three persons how they really concern about one another and love one another. They live together as one God.

(27) If Jesus was God ,then why is it written in 1 Timothy 2:5 that there is one God and one mediator between God and men who is the man Jesus.

Response: Jesus, as a Man, is our mediator. Being God-Man, Jesus is eligible to reconcile God and us. Sinful humanity has been made accessible to Holy God by mediating act of Jesus!

The second phrase transitions to the concept of a mediator. A mediator is a person who serves as an intermediary between two people or parties. Jesus serves to bring people to God (John 14:6) and is the only way to God (Acts 4:12). Hebrews 9:15 mentions this same theme, saying, "Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant …" Similarly, Hebrews 12:24 uses the phrase, "Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant."

Paul also highlights the humanity of Jesus, calling him "The man Christ Jesus." He is God in human form, one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man (John 1:1–14).

This verse not only speaks to the reality of the Christian God, but also that Jesus Christ is the only way to be reconciled to God. No other being, spiritual or human, is needed as a go-between for us and God. The symbolism of the torn temple veil (Matthew 27:51) applies here: Jesus is the way we communicate with God, period. There is no additional step, and there is no other channel.[viii]

(28). If Jesus was God, then why did Paul say in 2 Corinthians 1:1 that I Paul I am an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God.

Response: God willingly chose Paul to be apostle. Jesus encountered him and gave him apostolic function to plant the Gospel and the church. 

(29). If Jesus was God, how comes in Acts 2:36, it is mentioned that GOD has made Jesus both Lord and Christ. Which God made Jesus Christ if he (Jesus) himself was God.

Response: It is not made in the sense of a promotion for though He always was God, the Father takes this opportunity to proclaim this fact to all humanity.[ix]

Peter finishes the first sermon of the church age by presenting three incredible truths: Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah sent by God to save the Jews; the Jews killed Him; God raised Him from the dead, giving the Jews hope for their own resurrection. As Jesus promised, the apostles and other Jesus-followers will spread variations of this message "in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8). Peter's message is directed to the Jews in Jerusalem, but Jesus has already said the message is for everyone on earth (John 10:16). Because, the truth is, Jesus came to save all of us; we all, with our sin, killed Him; and God raised Him from the dead to give us all hope.[x]

(30). If Jesus was God, then how comes in Hebrews 5:7, Jesus prayed while crying in strong tears so that God saves him from death and God heard his prayers by saving him from death.Please read it

Response: It can also be said that Jesus’ human aspect was mourning for the upcoming great misery of crucifixion. He was fully human and so feeling anxious wasn’t unusual even for Jesus and yet he was obedient to will of Father. Jesus was the one who got victory over the death as well! God didn’t let him remain a corpse but to rise again like a Victorious person!

Next, earlier verses explained that a priest offers prayers to God on behalf of the people. Here, Jesus is said to have done the same. In this way, He again fulfills the requirements of a human priest.

The writer of Hebrews has also made mention of Psalm 22, which describes a sinless character crying out to God to be rescued (Psalm 22:24; Hebrews 2:12). Jesus' suffering on the cross brought literal fulfillment to the words of that Psalm. Some believe that the writer of Hebrews may also be referring to Jesus' prayers in the garden of Gethsemane prior to His arrest (Matthew 26:39; Luke 22:42). Jesus' death on the cross was the sacrifice offered, once and for all, for human sin (Hebrews 9:26).

Of course, Jesus was killed by those who arrested Him. The "rescue" He obtained was not from death, but out of death. The resurrection of Jesus was the ultimate sign of His acceptance and approval by God.[xi]

💯References  About the last prophet Muhammad In The Holy Bible

 1.  Jesus   foretold  about Muhammad : " …he  shall  give  you another  comforter…” (John  14:15-16)

Response: This is about Holy Spirit and not Muhammad!

Answering Islam gives a clear clarification,

We might wonder why Muslims appeal to a book that is so diametrically opposed to Islam. However, we must remember that Muhammad declared that there are prophecies about him in the New Testament. Muslims are thus forced into grasping at anything that will help them vindicate Muhammad’s claim.

Muslims argue that, since the Comforter will not come unless Jesus returns to the Father, this prophecy cannot possibly be referring to the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit was already present in Jesus. Thus, Jesus must have been predicting the rise of another prophet, and (for some reason) Muhammad is the only possible candidate. However, this argument clearly misses the point of Jesus’ prediction. Jesus acknowledges that the Spirit was already with them: "... for he dwelleth with you." The prophecy was that the Spirit would be in them and dwell with them forever. This was something entirely new, and it was by no means invalidated because the Spirit was already in Jesus.

Muhammad was never with Jesus’ disciples, the invisible comforter cannot be visible Muhammad, Muhammad wasn’t sent by Jesus otherwise they need to admit Jesus is God. Hence, Muhammad was not with the apostles, he was not in the apostles, he was not with them forever, he was not invisible, he was not sent by Jesus, and he did not come quickly, as Jesus said he would. Yet the Holy Spirit matches this description perfectly. Jesus identified the Comforter as the Holy Spirit, who was with the disciples, was in them at Pentecost, was invisible, came quickly, was sent by Jesus, and has been with Christians for nearly two thousand years. Given the facts, Muslims who apply these verses to Muhammad should be ashamed of themselves.[xii]

 2.  Jesus  said: “I have  many  things  to say  unto  you,  but  you can‟t  bear  them  now…he  will  show you  things  to come...(John  16:14).

Response: He is Holy Spirit.

Gospel  of Barnabas : “…Muhammad is  his blessed name.”(Ch.  96-97)

Response: This Gospel wasn’t even accepted and approved as Canonical! It has historical and geographical issues as well.[xiii]

🔵 The message  of Jesus  was incomplete. Another  prophet  was  needed  to guide mankind.

Response: The whole scripture has nothing to suggest any kind of such message. Jesus’ mission was fulfilled! His work of redemption was accomplished (Romans 5:8, John 3:16, John 1:12, 1 Timothy 3:16, Col. 3:16, Hebrew 9:26-28, etc.)! We are given His Holy Spirit for guidance and sanctification and every Christians are eagerly awaiting Jesus’ return!

Songs of soloman 5.16

👉👉 last prophet  name Muhammadim name

Response: maḥmāḏ (מַחְמָד) just means pleasant thing, beloved, desirable thing.[xiv] There is nothing in the context to suggest Muhammad’s name and his fore coming!

Answeringislam evaluates correctly;

First, the Song of Solomon contains beautiful and sensuous poetry expressing romantic love between a young man (a shepherd 1:7) and.a young woman (a shepherdess 1:8). A key theme is that marriage is a gift from God to be founded on commitment and loyalty. Second, the young lady is describing her husband's body in 5:10-16. Is it likely that while enamored of her husband, she would suddenly speak of another man in verse 16? Finally, even if some Jewish pronunciations of one of the Hebrew words sounded something like "Muhammed," that is irrelevant because it is not the sound, but the meaning of the word that is significant.[xv]

 Note: I'm thankful to Nitish brother from Reasonablefaith Delhi Chapter director, Sam Giftson and Abhisek Vical for their review on this attempt. They have been enrolling in answering criticism from Islamic circle in their ministry. I'm thankful to my brother Narendra Magar for sharing this facebook post. It is our duty to answer the criticism against our faith and Cardinal Doctrines.  


Slick, Matt. “Examining Soul Sleep and Its Problems.” Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, October 13, 2018. Accessed July 25, 2022.

———. “John 14:28, ‘The Father Is Greater than I.’” Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, December 5, 2008. Accessed July 25, 2022.

महर्जनडा मंगल मान. यी धर्महरूले के सिकाउँछन्? द्वितीय प्रकाशन. एन सी एफ नेपाल, २०५४.

“100 Bible Lessons | Alban Douglas | Download.” Accessed July 22, 2022.

“H4261 - Maḥmāḏ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (Kjv).” Blue Letter Bible. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“Muhammad in the Bible?” Accessed July 25, 2022.

“Muhammad Mentioned by Name in the Song of Solomon 5:16.” Accessed July 25, 2022.

Refuting Objections to the Trinity (Part 2), 2013. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“The Forgotten Trinity | James R. White | Download.” Accessed July 21, 2022.

“What Does 1 Timothy 2:5 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does Acts 2:36 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does Hebrews 5:7 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does John 17:3 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does John 18:22 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does John 20:17 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does Luke 2:21 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does Mark 11:13 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does Mark 15:34 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does Matthew 15:24 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does Matthew 16:14 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does Psalm 121:4 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does Revelation 5:5 Mean?” BibleRef.Com. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“What Does the Bible Say about Circumcision? What Is the Christian View of Circumcision?” GotQuestions.Org. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“Who Is Jesus?” NepalChurch.Com, August 30, 2019. Accessed July 13, 2022.

Why Didn’t Jesus & the Holy Spirit Know the Hour?, 2013. Accessed July 25, 2022.

[i] “What Does Luke 2:21 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, accessed July 25, 2022,

[ii] “What Does the Bible Say about Circumcision? What Is the Christian View of Circumcision?,” GotQuestions.Org, accessed July 25, 2022,

[iii] “What Does Mark 11:13 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, accessed July 25, 2022,

[iv] Why Didn’t Jesus & the Holy Spirit Know the Hour?, 2013, accessed July 25, 2022,

[v] “What Does Revelation 5:5 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, accessed July 25, 2022,

[vi] “What Does Matthew 15:24 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, 15, accessed July 25, 2022,

[vii] “What Does John 18:22 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, accessed July 25, 2022,

[viii] “What Does 1 Timothy 2:5 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, accessed July 25, 2022,

[ix] “100 Bible Lessons | Alban Douglas | Download,” 29, accessed July 22, 2022,

[x] “What Does Acts 2:36 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, 36, accessed July 25, 2022,

[xi] “What Does Hebrews 5:7 Mean?,” BibleRef.Com, accessed July 25, 2022,

[xii] “Muhammad in the Bible?,” accessed July 25, 2022,

[xiii] महर्जनडा मंगल मान, यी धर्महरूले के सिकाउँछन् ?, द्वितीय प्रकाशन. (एन सी एफ नेपाल, २०५४), 58–59.

[xiv] “H4261 - Maḥmāḏ - Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (Kjv),” Blue Letter Bible, accessed July 25, 2022,

[xv] “Muhammad Mentioned by Name in the Song of Solomon 5:16,” accessed July 25, 2022,

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